
How was US involved in Georgian aggression against S.Ossetia?

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Georgia had US military program: “Train and Equip Program” (GTEP)

So, there were US military advisers and other advisers. Georgian president is a former US lawyer. And the Georgian government had a lot ties with US.

Also there is the info (and I have the photo) about the dead black man. Note that the black men (African origin) have never lived in this region, so he will probably be the foreigner and the US instructor.

And if this was the US instructor in the invasion forces there were plenty of them behind the front line. The Georgian attack was prepared and well planned. Also US journalist was with Georgian forces that entered the ruined capital of S.Ossetia.

So do you think US planned this aggression?

Do you think US officials knew about Georgian invasion?

Or do you think that the US advisers and instructors did not know what is going to happen did not notice preparations and movements at all?




  1. I think the Georgian "invasion" is a lot like the Polish "invasion" of n**i Germany that triggered WW II.

  2. Russians had a break away state called Chechen.  It was considered an internal issue and other nations stayed out of it and did not send in peace keepers or invade.  

    Georgia has two break away areas and is trying to keep them in the fold.  Unfortunately the Russians will not stay out of it and first sent in peace keepers and now troops.

    Guess people staying out of your own internal business only applies when it is the Russians having the break away states.

    IMO this is just Russia acting like Germany and Putin acting like Hitler.

    Seig Heil.   Heil Putin.   "Russia Over All"

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