
How was colonial life in Boston like around the time of the civil war?

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I need to write an article for a newspaper for an AP assignment. I need to know daily life, activities, business/agriculture, economy, government etc. Any help would be very much appreciated. PLEASE N THX!!




  1. It wouldn't be considered colonial life.  It would be American life.  We won the revolution, we are no longer colonists.

    Yeah, I deserved those thumbs down.  But you need to know the facts.  And if you still think that boston was a colony during the civil war, then your history teacher is failing you.

  2. I presume you mean the English civil war of 1642-1651. Boston was only a few decades old at the time and was quite small. Puritanism was rampant and the advent of the civil war encouraged it. So there were lots of blue laws and compulsory church attendance laws.

    Boston was a port, a fishing center, and an agricultural center, and depended almost entirely on England for manufactured goods. Its main exports were dried salt fish, rum, and high-quality timber of the sort that was hard to get in England by that time, for ships' masts and so forth.

  3. You're in an AP history class?  As the previous answerer has noted, your question suggests that Boston was a colony at the time of the U.S. Civil War.  (It wasn't.)  I guess it's a shame what passes for AP history these days.  I'd hate to see what regular history class is like.

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