
How was cricket invented?

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How was cricket invented?




  1. Cricket can be traced as far back at the 16TH century...

    But 1967 in Sussex England is the earliest reference to an actual match...

    Here is a link to it...

  2. It was not actually invented. It was started as an outdoor game like hide and seek.It was a sort of adaptation of croquet.

  3. Gravy B - Baseball was not the basis for Cricket, indeed the English Game of Stoolball is often linked to the development of  the English Games of Cricket and Rounders. It is Rounders that is thought to have led to the development of the Game of Baseball.

    Ange - I don't think 1967 was the earliest reference to a match, perhaps you need to recheck your dates. Thanks for the link though.

  4. Earliest games of cricket where played against villages Kent and Sussex in South east England, refered to as stool ball, the stumps where a tree stump as a tree stump was know as a stool. In other parts of the country sheep pens where preferd to stumps because they had uprights and a crossbar (known as a bail, hence todays bail) and this could be disloged as oposed to a solid stump.

    Measurments of 22 yards for the pitch where put in place and bowling begin as underarm.

    A lady that played, Christine Willie,l because of her long skirts had to bowl side arm which in time evovled to overarm.

  5. It was devised by an Englishman, & I believe it was based on some medieval games played by shepherds & the like.The MCC are the guardians of the laws of cricket.

  6. an adaptation of the American's baseball perhaps?

    just joking lol

    I believe it originated by adapting an early form of croquet actually.

    I'm probably wrong but some unfathomable trivia leads me to think in that direction.

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