
How was everyone's day anything interesting happen?

by  |  earlier

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Just looking for some excitement from yall, my day was boring.




  1. i had a pretty good day rachel, thank you for asking. i'm sorry you were so bored today.

  2. yea its been borin cuz we been in a hurricane, n its been raining non-stop

  3. worked which is always fun...I'm a personal trainer....went to lunch with my "girlfriend"-ish friend lol

  4. My mom didn't go to work -_- so basically we were fighting the whole time. I locked myself in my room and read Sula and am now on the computer. Fun huh...

  5. I wish. Let's see... I had volleyball practice for three hours, watched tv, went to the doctor, read and am now on Y!A out of sheer boredom. this weekend looks like it'll be somewhat exciting-- I'm going to San Diego. Fun stuff.

    I hope your day is more xciting tomorrow!  

  6. nope just a whole lot of nothing lol. boring day at work. office job lol thats no surprise. my moms attacker got arrested and was convicted. that was cool.

    last month, he tried to jack her purse but she wouldn't give up. he threw her, hit her and then gave up. she STILL had it in her to go after them to a store where she later got help from a security guard. he got away but he was caught on the tape and got arrested a few weeks later.

    my moms a super woman lol. she's my hero. but yay justice got served.

    edit: rachel: I so am. I'd be too chicken S**t to go after an attacker. my moms so cool. and ps. you already know I think you're a hottie haha. smile:) you never told me if that smile thing worked on you.

  7. I had a teacher respect my gender identity today by calling me by my preferred name in class......I loved every single moment of it......That was pretty much my entire day......

  8. I watched my brother play God of War II for three hours. How's that for excitement! lol

  9. Yes

    Shopping for 3 hours with friends

    and a guitar lesson

  10. Rachel ur cute just thought ude like to know  

  11. It was a pretty boring day; I kissed my girl 2day only to be told I kiss like I'm ready to f*ck.

  12. I somewhat cleaned my house and slept for a good 3 hours. Very interesting huh =)

  13. Hmm the fact that I couldn't stop thinking of that movie mirrors made my day interesting since I was scared to look in the mirror,  other than that just got back from dinner with a friend which was good.  Thanks for asking

  14. My life is SOboring! I don nothing every day. ugh!

  15. I woke up to some green lightning today. Either global warming is really (censored) up things or the Irish have invented a lightning cannon. If it's the latter all iv got to say is "Top of the morning to ya, merciful Irish overlords!"  

  16. I discovered** this guy. I love him =] He has me in tears!

    P.S. Your awesomely cute.

    Edit:WTF am I typing? I'm a little off today..

  17. i spent the day marinating in my own disgruntled apathy. i laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling & thought all day. about the meaning of life & a higher being & my own insignificance. i took a walk through the woods & took pictures of discarded rotting boats & fences. i laid in a field & i spoke to myself. i found some marbles & i put them into my pocket, they reminded me of when i was a kid & everything was simple. when i got home i placed them on my window sill, next to all my meticulously organized array of perfume bottles, buttons & worry dolls. i watched horror films & ate ice-cream until the night drowned the town. & i've been laying on my bed now for 4 hours without sleeping & decided to pick up the laptop to spare me from my boredom & allay my fear of the constant noise emitting from underneath my bed that i'm pretty sure is just in my head. but i can't be sure, & that's the fun of it.


  19. Ugh, some boy almost showed me  and the class his pen0r.  

  20. well umm i guess i found out im playing at a wedding  in two weeks... not that exciting but , im getting paid to play the entrance music lol=D

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