
How was life like under the first Bush administration, then Clinton and now the son of Bush senior?

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  1. All three administrations have perpetrated financial fraud not only on the American people but on the entire world. This statement is substantiated by documented facts. See web site below

  2. Hmmm.  Life was hard and expensive under Bush I, good and progressive under Clinton, and now hard and expensive under Bush II.

  3. Mr. Bush Sr. tried and Mr. Bush Jr. tried more.  But Mr. Clinton was in a world all his own at times it got so very hard for him and was proved to lie by his chosen young lady mom who produced the evidence.

  4. Policy wise, GHW Bush and Clinton were nearly identical.  The only difference was in personal character as evidenced by the 21 criminal indictments and subsequent impeachment of Clinton.  W Bush, although also a globalist, needed the conservative vote so leaned more in that direction (at least apparently).  The economy started a steady decline after Reagan left office and fell apart at the end of the Clinton administration with many people losing their life savings.  The W Bush across the board tax cuts stopped the decline temporarily but his runaway government expansion and the high costs of Medicare, Social Security, and Welfare have now overcome the tax cut benefits.  Power wise, the US relative position in the world started to fall under GHW Bush and the bottom dropped out under Clinton with terrorist attacks being ignored and military spending being less then anytime since WW II - the military was cut in half and an acquisition holiday was declared resulting in a military too small for even the Iraqi sideshow, avg age of Air Force planes being 25 years (tankers are 42 years), front line fighters falling literally out of the sky due to old age, lack of body armour, lack of special ops troops, lack of light divisions, and practically no stock piles of munitions.  GW Bush slightly increased military spending but the Air Force is still having to cut personnel due to lack of funds.  Only a third of the new front line fighters that studies have indicated as needed have been approved.  The Navy has lost some seven carriers groups.  The economy did continually expanded under all three and while slow, still greatly outpaced that of the EU.  NAFTA was passed under Clinton and backed by GW Bush resulting in a net gain of jobs but a loss in the manufacturing sector and has proven to be a win/win/win deal overall causing North America to have the largest free-trade zone in the world.

    For the average Joe, times were the easiest under GHW Bush since the decline just got started and were worse under Clinton where entire economies were wiped out in the west in his wars on rural America and the west.  There's a reason why in the last two elections, nearly the whole country voted for W Bush with the only blue being the heavily urbanized Pacific coast states, the Great Lake States, and new England.  90% of the counties nationwide voted for W Bush.  After the tax cuts, the economy started booming again and the deficit started to shrink so for the first four years, life improved for most but that started to reverse in the second W Bush administration.  The current economy, while not in recession, is on the brink (although economic indicators are now showing that the worst is over).

    That should get you started.

  5. best years i had for making i can sit back and laugh at the people who actually thought clinton was great.we invested early in tech stock and got out into commodities about his 6th year.we knew it was gonna crash.clinton screwed things up for least with both bush presidencies i didn't lose money.

  6. Bush Sr was a hollow figurehead and placeholder for the party, keeping the seat warm until the next Reagan came along.

    Bush Jr is inompetent and dishonest. He's destroyed the US dollar, the US economy. A disaster from which we will not soon recover.

    The guy in between, Mr. Clinton, provided the wholesome and healthy filling for a wonderfully delicious Best President Sandwich, served -- and this cannot be helped, unfortunately -- between two stale heels from the end of the loaf.

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