Please help...
Two years ago my dad decided to sell his house to help purchase a new home with my sister Lea and her husband Doug.
My dad used part of the money he received from the sale of his home as a down payment for the new house.
Dad, mom and Lea were all able to go on title as joint tenants, however Doug was not qualified to be on the title due to his credit card debts (totalling around 22K)
This is where it gets kinda fishy....
According to my sister Lean, Doug was advised by either his lawyer or realtor that he could clear his debts by using a portion of dad's down payment to pay off all his credit cards.
But, when this was all explained to dad, he told us that he was told that the 22K would go towards "roof repairs" on the new house. No mention of clearing Doug's debts was made to him whatsoever!
A few months later, dad receives a receipt in the mail from the lawyers office stating the amount of 22K from his down payment was transferred to Dougs credit account!!
It has been over two years and still no "roof repairs" have been made. Doug however, has managed to furnish the entire house, purchase a brandnew home theatre system and also a brandnew vehichle??
All bought with his credit card, according to my sister Lea.
My question(s) is:
1) Is this legal, can this all be done without my fathers involvement?
2) Is there any type of legal action my dad can take, or is it too late since all the paperwork was finalized with the lawyer is?
3) How were the funds able to be transferred directly into Doug's credit account without my dad's knowledge?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.