
How was that 41 year old Torres "woman" able to mask her performance enhancing drugs?

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Is she ahead of the tests?




  1. Maybe because she DOESN'T use them.

  2. orrrr....maybe she isn't taking any.

  3. Just because you could never swim like that doesn't mean she can't.

  4. You know after Torres initially had great swims at Olympic trials there was some buzz about her using performance ennhancement drugs and people including myself really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.  I wondered how long it would be before we saw another doping question about Torres since the recent doping scandal about Jessica Hardy.  As a coach and former competitive swimmer I am disheartened and ashamed that this is happening.  It sounds as if Jessica Hardy will lose her spot, be banned for 2 years and it is uncertain if anyone else will be able to replace her spot that has already made the team.  This doesn't seem fair to whomever came in third at trials, but since rosters already have to be in, it could be that Jessica's events will only be represented by 1 American.  This certainly brings more speculation to light as to are there others using performance enhancement drugs.

    I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but in light of Jessica's positive drug test, and Dara's super performance and Eric Shanteau's cancer I believe it naive to think that more American swimmers are not doping.  

    For Eric Shanteau, the correlation with the cancer and the link to performance drug use we have seen all too much in the past and it makes me terribly sad to think about those athletes that battled cancer during their athletic careers and one would have to wonder how much performance enhancing drugs had to do with it.  Just off the top of my head:

    Lyle Alzado r.i.p.  Football cancer and steroids

    Lance Armstrong cyclist cancer (many have speculated doping)

    John Kruk             baseball  cancer  doping?

    Hacksaw Jim Duggin  pro wrestler cancer&doping

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