
How was the Great Barrier reef made?

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How did it come there or how did nature make it?




  1. Little creatures die.

  2. Coral is a salt water creature that has a limestone skeleton.

    A Reef is made up of dead coral skeletons, and sometimes live coral grows on top of it.

    The Great Barrier Reef is less than 8,000 years old. That is when the earths climate became warm enough and the sea level was right to produce a coral friendly environment where the GBR is today.

    All limestone rock is from long ago coral reefs. There is limestone in the Himalayas, which shows that the earth is a very very old place.

  3. The rainbow snake

  4. spores from plants floated through the sea an settled der an grew

  5. there are these little fish ( i forgot what they were called). when they die, their dead bodiesjoin together and form coral. so i guess the alot of them lived in northeastern Australia.

  6. Many generations of choral growing on top of each other.

  7. The care bears used to live there until the chinese invaded and shot them all.  Then they threw their bodies into the ocean where they eventually merged togetger to form the Grear Barrier Reef.

  8. It's because of the shallow water . Corals grow in shallow water . Throughout the millions of years , the skeletons of living corals have fused into reefs .

  9. It was made during the dream time.

  10. Coral is a small organism that colonizes together and secretes a very hard rock-like substance.  After a long time it leaves behind a large structure as newer generations continuously live, create their little cubbyholes and die off.

  11. nature has its ways..

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