
How was the earthquake??

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I know it was just today (July 29th) but what is an earthquake like? I've never experienced one (I hope I never do). Did anybody hear what happened with the Big Brother set?




  1. no where near as bad as a big time noreaster.

  2. It's very lucky day for people in 3 counties LA, Orange and SB with this size of shake here.  It hit at the border area of three counties, and so most didnt have enough time to escape. I kept thinking a lot of casualties when the quake hit.  

    Lucky its shake peak didnt last perhaps about 10 more seconds.

  3. an earthquake is like your entire body having diarrhea

  4. Its scarry Im just scared about the next BIG ONE!

    no I didnt hear about what happened on the Big Brother set?!

  5. me neither ive never experienced one either and i did today its crazy feels like my house was getting torn down. It was all rocking up and down then side to side and vibrating!!! it was scary but an exciting experience.

  6. move to california, and you soon will know.

  7. I was in a earthquake 2 times, I used to live in Daily city, California, they were not big ones though.... everything starts shaking and vibrating, pictures fall off the walls, toys fall from the shelf's, the cup holders open and cups and plates fall to the ground (not all them at the time, thank god) so there u are a 7 year old in bed at 10 PM,  and ur windows start shaking, I thought someone was trying to break in, so I jump out of bed and do the only thing I remember at the time ( u know the thing when they tell u if someone trys to kidnap u) I scream, then I realize the floor is shaking, and that it really is an earthquake, I get excited at first then i get scared, my mom rushes into my room and gets me under the table in the dining room and tells me to do what the taught us at school, My sister and dad are already there, so yeah its all shaky and vibraty, and scary, and exciting, then in 5 minutes its over, there were a couple things broken but we were all safe... it was a little earthquake.... so that's my story. and no I didn't hear what happened to the BB set.

  8. They are not fun!  They are very scary.  They are loud and they catch you off gaurd.  Takes a minute to set in what is really happening.  THen you are wondering if this is going to be  a big one that will collapse the building you are in, or if its just big enough to scare you.  I wish I could say I have never been through and Earthquake.

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