
How was the first day of high school like for you?

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I am starting high school tomorrow and I cannot lie, I am kind of nervous. For the more experienced individuals, how was the first day of high school like? Is the first day of high school the same as the first day of middle school? I know that you probably went to another school, probably in a different state as me, but how was it like? Did they only pass out papers to have your parents sign and then explained the rules or is there more to it? Should I be nervous? An honest answer may earn you 10 points. Thank you for your time and advice.





  2. OMG,

    i start tomorrow, and im going to the highschool.



  3. Hey, I start tomorrow too! I'm kinda feeling butterflies

    but I'm also really excited. On my first day of 7th

    grade I actually went to the wrong classroom. And

    stayed there for half an hour!!!

    My sisters already here so she told me that

    they just give you lists of stuff to bring (highlighters, binders, etc)

    at my school you're supposed to get a locker that morning but

    fat chance. They all filled up today. (the school threatens to cut

    them off but no one really cares...heh) Good luck!

    I'm nervous too!

  4. it was okay.

    we listened to a presentation in the auditorium. we took a tour. we played ice breaker games. we went to each class for like ten minutes only. the teachers explain the curriculum and grading/ expectations. they handed out sheets. that's it.

    don't be nervous. today was your first day actually, because this question is old.

    i hope it went well.

  5. dont worry about it

    i switched from a super small private school to a hugeeee highschool

    and i didnt know ANYONE on the first day

    but i got used to it soo quickly. i have alot of friends now and i am SOO excited to go back to school tomorrow. i guess it really depends how easily you make friends, i am a pretty friendly person so i guess htats why. but dont worry, you will be fine, just make sure to be confident walk with you head held up high and if you trip or embaress yourself jsut get up and laugh at yourself. shake it off.

  6. im starting tomorrow and i went to orientation and amazingly im not that nevous anymore if you know people that went to your middle school and are in the same high school say hi and stick close too also helps if you participate in activities/clubs[you ge to know more people]. be youself and be nice.good luck:]

  7. I was definitely nervous about starting my freshman year.  I was really eager to meet all the new people and enjoy the beautiful highschool campus.  I thought that the classes were going to kill me, but they were a lot easier than i expected them to be.  I dont think there is a way to convince you not to be nervous though.  Once you get there though, you'll realize that its really not that bad.  Some of the older people on campus might push you around a little bit, but they are just trying to enjoy their new status.  

  8. Oh you'll be just fine.

    If you do something extracurricular like band or a sport, that will help with making friends. As long as you know someone, you should go hang around with them.

    Freshman year for me was absolutely awesome. Fun, fun, and more fun.

    I can see why you're nervous, because teachers make such a big deal about high school. But in reality, you're just going to the next grade level. So just meet with people you know, and if you do sports or band with them, that'll be awesome.

    Have'll be just fine!

  9. im going to start it next tuesday and i went to the orientation yesterday.i almost got lost with the classrooms and you only have four minutes to get to each im really scared ];

  10. It's more or less what I expected. They just hand you papers that tell you how their grading and class goes. The classes were really easy to find. I wasn't nervous at all, but I did hate my freshman year. Hope it's better this year :(

  11. Omg im startin high on 3rd september im worried bout what to do with me hair but im not nervouse you'll make new friendds dont belive bullys and well have fun! ;)

  12. The first day of school was fun to me,I graduate next year so I am pretty use to all the school rules and dress code. I know how you feel about being a new student because I remember when I went to the school I am going now in Texas because I am originally from New Orleans but just relax and enjoy your first day. So far I like all my classes but it sucks that most of my friends are not in my class but I loved my First day. It kinda dragged out all day but it was pretty decent. I won`t say that High School and Middle school first days are similar but it is almost the same concept. Teachers introduce their self, most of them give you a syllabus so it is not really a lot going on but just chill I hope you have a good first day like I did :).

  13. Don't know I'm starting high school tomorrow

  14. haha a year ago, i was exactly the way you are now!

    except I was more afraid of how i'd get around; my school contains about 4000 something students! since it's the only HS in town..

    yeah we're a big school XD

    But trust me, the first day's a breeze, especially since you're a freshman.

    Let's see, on my first day of freshman year, all they did was talk talk talk about rules, expectations, what we'll be doing throughout the year, etc etc... in some classes we did do some "get-to-know-eachother" activities, which was sorta fun :]

    if you're nervous about meeting new people, don't sweat it! Just think, they're all probably as nervous as you are, if not more! so yeah just have fun!

  15. I walked in with some friends and went straight to my first class so I could be sure I knew where I was going. That halls were crowded. In each class, the teachers basically just gave us the rules and standards for the course and gave us time to talk when they were finished. Lunch was alright, but it was packed. Bring your lunch the first day, if you can. Bring paper and pencils, they might have something they want you to write down. No, don't be nervous! :) It was technically my first day at the high school, but I'm a sophomore. It goes middle school, to Freshman Campus, to the main campus where I live.

  16. 2 weeks ago was my first day of high school I was nervous, but i love it! at first i thought it was scary, but then i saw most of my confident( if ur not they may trash can you, three guys have already been trashed that ive seen), hang out with friends and have a blast i already made loads of friends! High school is a lot different than middle, its big loud, and lots more fun. just from experience try to get ur schedule perfect for ur first day of school!!!There is lots of rules( some teacher are cool though and dont have many rules) and papers to be signed like middle school.( dont listen to the girl above with all of the problems its really fun shes just was being really dramatic and negative Good Luck!!!

  17. Relax. You'll do fine. High school is so much fun; I love it! It's just like any other school except the schoolwork is a little harder & you get homework on weekends. Anyway... just be yourself. If you need help w/ anything like finding your classes, ask someone or if you have a friend that it's his/her first day of high school too,  both of you can find your classes together. Ask for a school map, they'll help. Have fun in high school, trust me... you'll love it!

  18. proabbaly ind of depress for the first few months caz u feel isolated and sad. 9th grade wasnt that good for me. sophmore this year

  19. its just like middle school because you are new,and the youngest.

    BUT no worries! all you have to do is be cool and go with the flow.

    Yes you get papers for your parents YEs you may get home work YES upper class man will be mean but hey.. we all go through it.

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