
How was the math A regents june 2008 ?

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How was the math A regents june 2008 ?




  1. for the {-1,0,1} i put additive as well.

  2. I thought I did pretty well on it. I finished in about an hour and a half, and I basically re-took the test to see if I had any mistakes. I was talking with the rest of my class afterward, and there is one I think I got for sure wrong on the multiple choice about quadrants. I originally had the right answer, and I had changed the answer from what was right after second guessing myself!! Oh well. But otherwise, I thought it was good, easier than some of the previous years.

  3. The test was extremely easy, #28 was addition and the quadrant one was quadrant 4. I had trouble with one part 2 but I asked my teacher at the end and she said it was right. That had to be the easiest test ever.

  4. It was actually pretty okay. Nothing unexpected, but don't cram last minute though :]


  5. took it today

    the test was ok

    There were a few multiple choice questions that made you really think

    I think the extended ques were easier

    did you take the test as well?

    hope you did good^^

  6. i thought it was really easy. there was only a few multiple choice i think i got wrong and there was a couple tricky ones in part 2

  7. omg that test was a joke!! my friends and i thought it would be easierrr...we studied so hard lol.

    towards the end it got a lil hard but other that it was easy. i took it two days agoo.

  8. for nys?

    it was pretty good.

  9. it was pretty easy to be honest

    only one question all my friends seemed to be unsure of:

    Question #28:

    What operation would make the following set of [-1,0,1] closed?

    1. multiplication          3. addition

    2. division                   4. subtraction

    i put addition, but others put all of the other answers, anyone have input?

  10. I thouhght it was ok... could've been a tad better but i'm hoping for the best. Good luck everyone!

  11. The Regents was pretty simple. Had to think for a couple of them, but overall it's fine.

    For the closure problem #28, the correct answer is multiplication, NOT addition.

    Because the set was {-1, 0, 1}. So when you divide, -1/0, that's undefined, so it can't be division. when you subtract 1 by -1, the answer comes out as -2, which is also wrong. when you use addition, 1 + 1 is 2, and 2 is not in the set, so the only possible choice is multiplication.

    And I think the quadrant one is III . I think.

  12. i aksed that numba 28 question and people said multiplication

    ben the with the quadrants was numba 2 not 4 the point were -2,3

  13. Was it easier than the one I did in January? I wouldn't be surprised if they raised the difficulty after that straightforward test.

  14. i put division because it is impossible to divide by 0 and all the other propertys gave a number

  15. Good. It went well.

  16. it wae good. i got my score today and i got a 94!

  17. i was so nervous about it this morning but it turned out to b kind of easy

    except one question about circles and their dilation, anyone know the answer to that one, i just doubled everything.

  18. I personally believed it was easy. Most of the questions were basic review and if you didn't know the answers, you probably didn't pay attention in class. I was given practice regents in class that I did especially well on, and the June 2008 Math A Regents had some of those questions from the practice regents from the previous years.

    Some of the latter Part 1 questions and some of the extended questions were hard and they required you to think, but I managed to do well on them. My teacher told me that I got the highest grade out of everyone taking it in my school (around 350 students).

    In my opinion, while it is noteworthy, it is not really "impresive." Half of the students in my school already failed the regents (there were juniors/seniors taking the test who failed twice already) and most likely probably failed because they didn't have any supplies with them (pencils, pens, and graphing calculators).

    It makes me wonder if these students aren't prepared to take a "test," how will they be able to prepare themselves for the "real" world of business? You probably don't need most of the material you learn in school, but there are certain things you probably do need in order to get to college or even a job, including sense of responsibility, preparing, and good judgment.

    Don't you agree?

  19. the last part was so hard .....

  20. it was so easyy...i didnt have any trouble with it! for number 28: i put addition also.

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