
How was the world like before 1981, before I was born ?

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How was it in terms of technology, politics and science. I want to know this from your perspective. Who were your favorite celebrities, sports men and women and the important events, special moments.

Many thanks.




  1. Go to google and enter the date and a periodical such as newspaper and you will recieve your information.

  2. It has gotten much better since you arrived.  Wouldn't that be interesting if it was all because of you.

    There were lines at gas stations in 1973 and 1979.  You could wait for 2 hours and get 5 gallons.

    The interest rate on a home loan in 1981 was 12%.  Nobody could afford to buy a house.

    Everybody loved Hank Aaron in baseball.  Nancy Lieberman in basketball.  Nancy Jean King in tennis.

    Special moment was getting hired by Club Med to be a sports instructor.  My job was to waterski and sail a boat.

    No cable tv.  Tiny tv sets. Nothing on at night. Be glad you are here now.

  3. Well, first off we knew the difference between words like "What" and "How".

    Hi technology was the digital watch, Sony walkman, and pretty much nobody had a personal computer or had ever heard of the internet.  We had to play outside games like hide & seek, baseball, basketball, marbles.  We had to ride bikes and hang out in our treehouses.  Videogames were something that cost 25 cents and they had tons of them at the mall in a place called an arcade.  The video games we had at home had the lamest graphics you've ever seen (really you'd laugh), but we had something called imagination and we really did see a dragon instead of a little yellow square.  We all read comic books and it was the farthest thing in the world from "cool".

    Politics was as f*cked up as it is now and Iran was a real pain-in-the-***.  Nothing much has changed.

    Science was learned about in books and the PBS show, Cosmos.  Kids got their science from Star Trek reruns, Starblazers cartoons, and Space 1999.

    Big Celebrities were the guys on the Dukes of Hazzard, David Hasselhoff as Knight Rider, and the lady on Wendy's commercials who's catch line was "Where's the Beef?"

    We loved to watch Barry Sanders run for the Detroit Lines (yup they sucked back then too, but Barry was amazing), no one paid the slightest attention to any women's sports except ice skating in the Olympics so we all loved Dorthy Hamil.

    Important events included Friday nights when Miami Vice was on and the high school football games.

    Special moments were the first time I conned a girl into "touching it" and my first sighting of "real t*t".

    I'm hope that's been a nice look into pre-1981 for you.

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