
How was turning off the lights for earth hour, going to help the environment?

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It might seem a stupid question but its not like carbon gas is coming from our light globes now is it? It would of been more effective shut down the power grid, as fuel burning power stations, factories, and cars are more likely to be causing carbon emitions.

I just dont agree that house hold appliences are part of the cause.




  1. The biggest issue in GW right now is awareness, knowledge and education. Turning off the light bulbs for Earth Hour is a great way to address those issues.

    Incidentally, it also saved a load of CO2 but, in relation to total output, you're right, not a large percentage.

    But it DID save CO2 - turning off the light bulbs = less electrcity needed = less produced at the power plant = less CO2; the bulbs themselves don't have to give off CO2 to consume it!

    As for shutting down the grid, yes, that would have saved more CO2 but would have caused severe problems throughout our societies.

    No AGW proponent or environmentalist advocates shutting down our societies, just responsible usage of energy.

  2. It stops green house gases which are the cause of GLOBAL WARNING!!!

  3. Yeh but if u buy energy saving bulbs it doesn't

    Yeh but cars cause it as well even though it is a quicker way getting round and if nobody littered,polluted,smoked people would live longer and earth wouldn't have all this global warming

  4. It's symbolic - like fasting, or imposing very high tax rates on "the rich."

  5. An average light globe uses ~100W of electicty a tiny amount if one person turns of a light globe for an hour they is zero effect, it 25,000,000 turn their 100W globes for and hour that is 2.5 billion watts not used

  6. Turning off lights during the earth hour was a symbolic act to tell the world how global warming may be reduced by lowering your power consumption. When you and millions of people like you shut off their lights, the total power consumption decreases considerably and the power generators have to work less, use less fuel and produce less emissions. Similarly,  if your refrigerators and air-conditioners are off, they emit less green house gases and global warming will be reduced.

  7. I know in the schemes of things it looks pathetic. But it was more about what it stood for - the symbollism of the action saying it IS possible to save power. Furthermore the statistics yielded from it were significant to demonstrate what turning off that little bit extra of power can do - its advertising saving power if you will.

    Furthermore, of course the CO2 doesnt come directly from your light globe, but the point is that bit less of coal or wateva wouldnt have needed to be burnt for that energy.

    But in general Earth Hour wasn't designed to be directly effective in helping the environment - but indirectly. By making a public statement, raising awareness, taking a stand and showing that people do care and people can make a difference.

  8. It won't. But it will help identify whether you are "one of us" or "one of them".

    You will be assimilated.

  9. Just check this site out! You won't ask even a single question in this category -

  10. It's saving energy.

  11. Turning off the lights for an hour does not help the environment directly.  It helps the environment indirectly by raising awareness.  If the lights on the Empire State building (for instance) are off one night, someones going to ask why, and there's a perfect opportunity to raise their awareness of energy conservation and its effect on the environment.

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