
How was your day today?

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How was your day???




  1. lol thanks for asking! it was alright, kind of annoying though becasue i have a cold sore. :( :( and i have a party tomorrow, so it kind of sucks. ahaa how was your day? :)

  2. It was fab!!  thanks for asking  :o)

    hope yours was great as well!

  3. Normal.

  4. Wellllllllll....since your asking, Terrible...I have a co-worker that has

    issues and takes it out on everyone...trying to be nice but my patience

    is runing thin...Other than that I'm ok.

  5. thanks for asking ,was pretty good ,how was yours?

  6. hardcore  glamour! awesome name!! it wasnt as good as i thought it was goin to b. i waited all weekend to see this guy i liked and he ended up being an a$$ to me. but other than that i guess it went fine i guess.........ive had better days but it happens so was ur day? lol  

  7. excellent, thanks for asking. i went shopping with my friend and got a dress to wear to my friend's party... so exciting!



    mine please!

  8. It was pretty good, thanks for asking!  I got a lot of things done...I finished my second summer reading book report, and it was pretty awesome.  In addition, I started one of my book reviews for the local paper.

  9. it was pretty rad i feel great

  10. great thanks for asking. For the first time in my life I feel like I'm growing up. I'm finally allowed to watch scarface. I'm movie obsessed.

  11. eh :P


  12. haha my day was okay. but i hate the fact that the more days over, the closer it becomes to first day of high school. AGH. im nervous and excited at the same time. and allsoo stressed cus i havent read my summer reading books ! ugh. but ill manage(;

    thanks for asking ! haha how was your day ?

  13. it was awesome! i had a wonderful first day at school! except for i'm the only one in orchestra that plays the viola :/

    anyway, how was your day???  

  14. lol my day ways good! Yours? School started today! yaaa lol i met this REALLY REALLY REALLY hot guy and i asked him if he wanted to be my friend [lol i was in a hyper talkative mood] and surprisingly he said i would love to. And i asked him soo do you have any friends here and he was like you and that's it your my only friend here. and i was like aww that's so sad and we hugged lol. [hes new] so yea he looks exactly like this

    And like this just WITH OUT the glasses.

    And JUST like this but his hair is longer then this guys.

    lol yea hes cute.

  15. well its 9:50 in the morning here so i really havnt had a day yet, but i will tell you bout my day yesterday......ok so i had to wake up at 8:30 and go babysit till 4:30 i made 80 bucks but had to split it with my sister so only really got 40  and after babysitting i went to see the sisterhood of the traveling pants with my bestieeee! so yea i had a greattt dayy!

    = )

  16. cant complain.

  17. Hi, I had a day off of work today, thanks for asking! Hope you had a good day!

  18. Well, i went to the mall with my friend, bought some new clothes, but that about it.  

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