
How was your first day in College?

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OK so today is my first day in my new school. I am in my dorm. I still haven't met people. I don't know how to do that? please help?

I heard that college is where you meet your friends which are going to stay friends forever, kind of thing. So how was your experience on your first day of college. How should I make mine better?

By the way I am 6 hours away from home =[




  1. my first day was interesting. so many new people, new things, new experiences. just make sure you're going to things like clubs and organizations and i'm sure you will meet plenty of people. college is so much different than high school. people are so much more mature. have fun in college, you're only young once!

  2. Just introduce yourself see if there is anyone from the same area like you. My first day wasn't great but it got better real quick and you'll make lots of friends.

  3. I was anxious on my first day of college.  Just relax.

    As far as meeting new people.  Many campuses have events you can attend or stop by.  Check your college's website.  

  4. no friends in college dont always stay friends. you meet people by start talking to them. ask them questions and ask them this and that and then ask for an email incase you have questions and stuff. step outside your comfort zone and just start living!

  5. I don't really remember my first day of college. I remember hating my dorm, my roommate, and most of my floor, though. =) I met a few people just by saying 'hi,' when I saw them in the halls, and I did make a few friends that way. But I make most of my college friends by joining groups and clubs, and by talking to the people in my classes. I suggest just saying 'hi,' to people you see in your hall and classes. Get a conversation going like, 'So are you from around here?' or 'Are you a freshman too?' Or 'So, what's your major?' Simple things like that can really get good conversations going, surprisingly! You can make your experience good by going to all your classes, personally meeting with your teachers, staying on top of homework and tests, and doing well. Get confident about your own work habits, get interested in the class, and enjoy learning something new and exciting that you went there to learn. I do remember not liking the way my first few years went in terms of grades, but I definitely didn't try as hard as I could have, and I really regret that. But, I did take fun and interesting classes. I got to try soo many things I could never do in high school!! College is really a great experience, very fun and free. Have a great time and first semester! Don't go crazy with parties and things like that now, and enjoy the benefits of good grades later! Oh, and I'm 4 hours away from home, so I know how you feel!! :( I felt really homesick at first, but I got used to I went home often enough to feel like I wasn't totally losing my family and friends. You will LOVE college, sweetie! Good luck, have fun, be safe, and go get some good grades and great friends!! =D

  6. I remember my first day of college.   A bright, new engineering student.  I threw up before my first class (drafting).  

    Thankfully, it only got better from there.

    Get to know people in your classes and in the dorm.   You'll probably stay friends with a core group WELL after graduation.  Trust me.  The right college friends will be there forever.

  7. You will meet friends when your classes begin.  Also, don't stay holed up in  your dorm room, get out into common areas and introduce yourself to people.  Everyone away at college is looking to meet new people, you just need to be assertive.

  8. I feel you on being 6 hours away. I'm not at school yet, but i am going to be a junior. College definitely gets better once you meet people. I suggest going around the dorm introducing yourself to people, have a drink or two if you're into that sort of thing, it's always a conversation starter.

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