
How was your first day of school? Rate it from a scale 1-10?

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I would say mine was a 7 because i liked the art classes that i got

thank you :)




  1. 3, because its my first day at high school back at the bottom.

  2. i havent started yet.

  3. 5- ehh shools always sucked

  4. I would have to say 5 1/2 .. it was ok nothing really special but the feeling of being excited about being back in school has kind of gone away and i wish there wasn't so much homework.

  5. my 1st day , hmm i give it a 2. freshman yr was a 1 !

    it was the worst i come out with a headachee n starve to deff on every 1st day, cant sleep either.

  6. 2-shhity


  7. Ehm, 6. Now its a 7.

  8. 3.  It was really hot and stuffy and we just went over the syllabus.  Each teacher repeats basically the same thing.  At least I only had two classes that day, but I had to go through the same thing 3-4 more times in other classes throughout the week.

  9. although it went really slow, i have alot of friends in each of my classes, and good teachers. so i give it a 8!

  10. if it was a normal day it would be 8... but since we did nothing today id have to say a 4

  11. mine was about an 8

  12. 5- I got the bottom locker .

    But I got to see my friendsss.  

  13. mine...1, but also i was the new kid, so that had to do something with the fact it was a one

  14. i guess i would say a 7 also =] and i like it cauz i have gud teachers, and gud ppl well not really any of my friends but i talk 2 them so we r becoming friends lol  

  15. Well mine was alright, I liked most of my classes but I had to get some classes changed so I would rate it a 8!!

  16. 6-S****y

  17. -4                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  18. about an 8.

  19. 0

    why would I be happy about 180 days of waking up at 6:30 in the morning so I can do my hair and any way it ends up getting frizzy, and plus 8 end of the year exams!! ?

    I hate school  

  20. 4

    it sucked and i dont want to go back

  21. like 8

  22. -8234

    OK... not THAT bad.

    5... they messed my schedule up so I had to skip lunch to fix it

  23. I will tell you tommorow...

  24. 6

  25. 9- i made the volleyball team. :D

  26. 5

  27. 10, 'cause it was the s.h.i.t!

  28. 4

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