
How was your first kiss?????

by  |  earlier

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any stories?

i haven't had mine =S i feel like i'm the only one ='(




  1. No kiss for me yet, and my dad won't let me hear the end of it that he was younger when he had his first.

  2. I wish it was more meaningful than it was.

    I also wish it was with a certian boy that it wasn't!

  3. My first kiss..  sigh.. I'm not even sure if I should count it as "first" kiss since I was so not into the guy that liked me but nevertheless.. it was a kiss.. so I guess I "have" to count it.. but I usually go in *denial* hahaha~ anyways  so there was a guy in my english class.. yeah well he likes me..~ during the summer.. we played basketball together..just for fun really~ and than we went for bbt.. yeah~ so we sat at the park.. just chatting.. I was not expecting anything at all but sadly i was look over at something and I turn to face and BANG! i was kissed T__T! disgusting man.. totally did not like him ONE BIT! so yeah.. there goes my first kiss... SIGH.. i always thought my first kiss would be with the girl i love.. but i guess that's ruined!

  4. I have yet to have my first kiss with a boy... thanks for reminding me how much of a loser I am :P

  5. ok sorry that you have never had one

  6. my first kiss with my first boyfriend was hot and passionate.

  7. his breath smelled like coffee : (  

  8. Blissful. Well, my first kiss with a guy was blissful. =)

    It was like my whole body went numb, but also tingly. And then a few other reactions occurred which I won't go into what for fear of being reported again for a violation. Yeah, that good. =)

  9. You're not alone.=(


    Don't worry, you'll find that special someone.=)

  10. Eh, it wasn't as much as I worked it up to be. Maybe it was the wrong person. But I'm not much into kissing. Now talk about cuddling, snuggling, yes, YES. Kisses are for some, while the whole physical body involved works for others. Who knows, you might see fireworks on your first kiss. And Louis L, your not a loser just because you haven't been kissed, I think your still the cats meow, along with Alex. ;-)

  11. you aren't alone... I haven't either. But shhhhh! it's a secret!!!  

  12. it was a wow factor i got the nerves up to do it , wish that moment would happen again!

  13. im with u man, i havent had a kiss.. =(

    yess we do! :D

  14. My very first kiss was with my ex boyfriend over 3 years ago. he was and a***e but he was a great kisser.

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