
How we can apply Knowledge in our Life?

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everyone knows what is good or bad,what are the good actions,good habits,hard work etc

but many times we know all the things and cant able to apply it in our life

how we can apply it in our life

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vaibhav saxena

philosophy honors 1 year

delhi university hindu collge

GOD bless you all




  1. Life is an adventure, a journey, a path towards spiritual perfection, whereby one is able to coexist without compromise with mankind.

    Liberation from emotional overriding reason, wilfulness, maligning logic and diverting one from spiritual progress and self realisation. What is self realisation but understanding ones truth, ones purpose, ones heritage and ones destiny.

    Knowledge frees man from ignorance and the hate, fear and confusion it caused of the world about him. Hate mars mans thinking, fear imprisons his mind and distorts his perspective of life, ignorance blinds man to truth, chaining him to a life of struggle and battling with the unseen and misunderstood forces.

    Example: to the untrained eye, Arabic is an incomprehensible mass of confusing lines and illegible text. Once knowledge of it is gained from Arabic is derived the greatest wisdom, prose and poetry. Knowledge is a tool enabling man to wade through a conflicting earth, knowledge is a light alighting truth and illuminating man’s life journey.

  2. I don't believe there is good and bad, nor right or wrong. There is fact and faulty, though.

    Truth be told we deem stealing wrong because if a civilization were all stealing from each other it wouldn't last. The concept of "right" and "wrong" are born of human morality, and morality is born from a logical reason. Morality, though, can be very illogical.

    For example: Is there any logical reason as to why a stepdaughter shouldn't have s*x with her stepfather? We deem it wrong morally, but is it truly wrong?

    Now to answer your question...

    The number one cause of fear is misunderstanding; unknowing. I daresay children are afraid of the dark because they can't see what's right in front of them, and thus don't know what's in front of them. When we seek knowledge, though, we bring light, if you will, to that darkness. We no longer fear things out of ignorance, but mayhap even embrace them. We also judge accordingly and do things, with this knowledge, that not only further help our entire race as humankind, but even our friends, family, and selves.

    Knowledge is truly a wonderful thing to have.

  3. Not true.  Nobody knows what is good and bad.  There is no such thing as good and bad in the universe.  It is in the mind of the 'beholder' to decide what is good and what is bad. Just like beauty and love.  Life vests on a boat, are good until you have to use them then they are good or bad, depending if you can get your hands onto one.


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