
How we can benifit from forex?

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I am going to invest & need your valuable suggestions.




  1. you can check your options in this site.  enables forex trading anywhere in the world where internet connection is available;  offers background information for the Forex market, Guided-Tour, seminars, one-on-one training, CHAT, telephone support, as well as other assistance tools, including technical support;  enables users to start trading immediately and with no software required to download you may login to your account and trade anytime, from anywhere;  allows you to fund your account with your credit card, so you can start trading immediately, regardless of banking work days or hours;  And If you are a frequent trader dealing in larger volumes, they offer tailor-made account to suit your exact needs (spreads, leverage ratio, mobile-phone alerts, etc.); also uses the latest highly sophisticated and advanced technologies in order to offer you up-to-the-second quotes.

    one unique feature of this site is whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, for a minimum deposit of $100 which will also form part of your initial capital, they will provide an Account Service Manager (ASM) to be your personal consultant who will serve as your mentor and trading partner, will answer all your technical questions and with whom you can talk live over the phone, email, chat or any form of communication available.  your ASM will even trade along with you so that you will get to familiar yourself about how the real trade is done and give you the tips and tricks you need to know and do to achieve a profitable forex dealing.

  2. I recommend the automated robot which i use to my close friends, called forex funnel

    its official website:

    I purchased it 2 months ago, and I've made more than 220% pure profit.

    Take a look at its results,

    Good Luck!

  3. buying ans selling devises

  4. The Forex (currency exchange trading) industry is the biggest market on earth today, with a daily turnover of 3 trillion dollars! Anyone today can trade Forex online. I found this site is easy and right direction to start trading.

  5. you can find more articles in the following blog

    Good luck

  6. Educate yourself. buy a book or two on Forex, open a Demo account online where you can practice. Look for a site that has a good education center. Look for people in your community who trade online. Discipline and Patience.

    Crawl, Walk, Run.  Sen. Clay Davis - The Wire

  7. you can earn by investing in forex by hedge fund

    what is hedging ...hedging is making profit from buying a foreign currency at low price and selling it when the exchange price is high.

    For example: In march 2008 Mr. X buys 200 USD at rale of Indian Rupees 40 per USD

    and In May 2008. Mr X sells 200 USD at Indian Rupees 43 per USD

    so buying cost = Indian Rupees 8000

    Selling Cost = Indian Rupees 8600

    Net Profit = 8600 - 8000 = Indian Rupees 600

    So Mr X made profit of Rs. 600 in 3 months on 8000 Investment in Forex.


  8. At present people have various options where one can invest their money based on different constraints like money, risk, duration, profit etc. Forex market is a perfect place for a active trader. Foreign markets are open 24 hours a day where a trader can login or exit anytime.

    It has been found that daily $3 trillion is being traded. Forex market is the most largest and liquid form of market in the world. It is a very good option for trading lovers and a huge profit making machine for them.

    For me it has proved to be a cash machine as I have earned huge profits. There are many ways by which we can earn profit. The easiest part is currency swap. It means to exchange one currency with other. This means I buy a currency at low and sell them at high against another currency. For example when a US Dollar was of Rs40, I brought 100 dollars of Rs4000. After 1 month, as the exchange rate raised I sold them at Rs42 per Dollar. This gave me a profit of Rs200 without bearing any risk. By the use of computers and internet, this form of market is now very popular. It has proved to be profit making machine for many.

  9. u can try this in the demo account .

    and u can trade oil ,gold, NASDAQ 100, DJ 30 , and many more .Forex trading .

  10. This one review site has all the answers you need.  It's way too much to type here.  

    Good luck!

  11. You need to learn how this market works, because this is a difficult market. Avoid Scams, especially Forex brokers Scams.

    Start by trading on a demo account until you're making good profits. This way you learn how to trade without risking any money.

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