
How we can fight dihydrogen monoxide in atmosphere to save the planet?

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I’ve heard there is lot’s if in atmosphere much more than carbon dioxide. There are lots of bad things happened from dihydrogen monoxide.




  1. With sharp swords, and laser cannons!

    It is an elusive foe in that it can change from a solid, to gas, to a liquid with little warning. Dihydrogen Oxide can be deadly in the wrong hands, and must be controlled, or people will suffer it's wrath. I have dispatched many a h2o molecule to an unknown fate, only to have them send their reinforcements to exact revenge.  I have an entire garrison trapped inside the pipes of my house at this moment, and I am preparing to do battle...  Wish me luck

  2. I've heard a rumor that you are emitting some every time you breathe out. Please stop. This will also cut back on the amount of unnecessary hot air being emitted.

  3. actually, there's considerable good news on that front.

    with the advances we've made in changing, and improving our climate, there are many areas of the world that are experiencing dramatic reductions.

    that should save several lives a year, from people inhaling large quantities of it, and being unable to breathe.

    we just need to encourage people to keep up the noble work of riding our society of this dangerous pollutant.

    i surely don't like to make political recommendations, but for several years now, there has been improvement that there would not have been under other "circumstances".

  4. dihydrogen monoxide is really a hoax name for these list of things.

    is called "hydroxyl acid", the substance is the major component of acid rain.

    contributes to the "greenhouse effect".

    may cause severe burns.

    contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.

    accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.

    may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.

    has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

    Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

    as an industrial solvent and coolant.

    in nuclear power plants.

    in the production of styrofoam.

    as a fire retardant.

    in many forms of cruel animal research.

    in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.

    as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

    There is no negative water, but there is however gases that causes water to form acid rain. By limting the gases we can limt acid rain and this will kill less trees. We should also not interfere with rain eroding rocks and beaches, this is how the earth breaks itself down and how it builds it self up. Water is harmless it is how its used that deletes this harmless.

  5. I want to put some on my lawn, I have heard that it will make my grass greener.

    If consumed it can be invigorating.

  6. Better question would be what are we going to do about all the geeks on here who think thats a funny joke.   Or all those who don't understand that rain is natural and no matter how much h2o we put up, it will just come back down.   Always has, always will.

  7. I'm rather fond of dihydrogen monoxide, then again, I don't live in Iowa. I'm sure the residents of the California wildfires like dihydrogen monoxide. England and Seattle residents might get sick of it. The Navy REALLY likes it. I vote for tabling the issue for now.

  8. I am again dihydrogen monoxide and the US should lead the way in banning it for its citizen. This would make a major contribution to the world.

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