
How we really can hurt oil companies.I am fed up.Lets do something.Lets stand for ourselfs.Any idea.?

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How we really can hurt oil companies.I am fed up.Lets do something.Lets stand for ourselfs.Any idea.?




  1. Buy a used hybrid 60-70 mpg  (2000 insight/2001 Prius)

    buy a ninja 250 motorcycle  - 100 mpg

    buy an early 90's Honda Civic CRX - 50 mpg

    buy a volkswagen diesel beetle and run it on 100% biodiesel

    sell your SUV!

    I would suggest things like bike, walk, take a bus, but I am a realist and know today that isn't really much of an option for most people, but the 1st 5 are!  Pick one and do it!

  2. In the short term, drive less, slower and maintain your car.  When it comes time to replace your car, go with a car that is more efficient.

  3. it would be hard since most of us all have to use gas for our lives. without it we couldnt get to work unless you live in a place where you could get to your place of work by some other means of transportation such as a bike. we cant just stop using oil because then the wheels of the economy would stop, and then we would be in another depression so it will not help you in the long run to get back at the companies because it would hurt you alot also.

  4. don't buy gas from EXXON or SHELL for the rest of the year!!

  5. Ride a bike, electric scooter, or walk. Buy products online.

  6. Drive as little as possible, inflate your tires, keep your engine tuned, empty all unneeded things out of your car to save weight, use as few plastics as possible (grocery bags, bottled water, etc), plan and combine trips. Try to let your car sit in the drive at least one day per week. Those are all steps you can take immediately. After that get on your computer and start looking for a car with better mileage. Write your Elected Reps asking them to pass higher CAFE standards and tax breaks for hybrids.


  7. Boycott thier products.. Get all your friends to stop driving, walk everywhere u go and get a bicycle for carrying yourself long distances!

  8. I don't think not using cars or buying hybrids would really work, as many people either don't have the money for hybrids or really need a car to get to work.

    I think one thing that would really impact the oil companies and gas prices would be to ban the use of SUV's, heavy duty trucks, and any other vehicle considered a "gaz guzzler". Except of course, the semi's and other trucks like that, we need them to transport things.

  9. You could start by using your car less.

  10. call your congressman,the government needs to stop giving the oil company's tax breaks.If Jimmy Carter was never President we would not be in this mess.The government can stop this,if we all stuck together and called.Stop buying gas will not do any thing we have to go to work get food and so on.The oil co.are sticking it to the working people and Government is helping them.

  11. England has a car, really small, gets 90 miles to gallon, why not here?  We all know what would happen then, gas prices would the only answer is not to use them as much as possible...bikes, whatever.

  12. Yes ! First, go to and read through all of it. Next, do some research on the EPA-OBD II Law. This Law mandates that all Gasoline powered Vehicles in the USA from ' 96 to the present must run at 14.7 Parts of Air to 1 Part of Fuel. Any change, even if Fuel Economy is improved, and Emissions are lowered, will result in a failed Vehicle Inspection ! I can prove that Gasoline can be safely converted to a clear, dry Vapor that is 100 Parts of Air, to 1 Part of Fuel. My Avatar is a Photo of a Device I have constructed that does just that, ignited to prove it really works ! This has the potential to enable even the largest SUV to get 50 + MPG, and emit 10 Times less Pollution ! And it's illegal to even try on any Vehicle 11 Years old, or newer ! This insane Law only benefits the big Oil Companies, and the Auto  Manufacturers ! Greed and Money have stifled Vapor Fuel Technology , and now this Law...Maybe if someone with the Guts, Backbone, and Financial Resources could stand up to this , something would happen. But I'm not holding My Breath. I'm not a Multi Millionaire, so, other than spreading the Word, there's very little I can do. I've sent this same Info. to Richard Branson's Virgin Fuels Corporation. Supposedly, they're interested in saving the Environment, and saving Energy.They acknowledged receipt, and said they would give it a look.That's been over a Month ago. No Word yet. That's all I can do. How about everyone that's reading this, spreading the Word ?

  13. Well i will tell you that one day of no gas won't do anything but make them laugh at us,but if we stopped using one brand of Gas for a whole year or stopped getting gas for an entire week,that would make a huge impact on the oil companies,But how do we get a whole country to stop using gas for an entire wek or certain companies for an entire year? We will have to suck it up I am thinking.

  14. Here is a idea

    Build more refineries and let them drill for oil in the US.

    Wow a thought that would work to drop prices.

  15. Yeah, all the oil companies do is provide jobs, goods, services, investment oportunities and the tax base.

    Let's get rid of them.

  16. Drive less, go only where you need to or have to.

    Carpool as much as possible.

    Walk or ride a bike, where you can.

    Shop less often.......

  17. stop driveing, stop buying plastics, or cut back  if enouf people cut back would all it would take

  18. The company i represent has a patent on a hydrogen fuel cell that increases milieage by 50-100% for the details

  19. You can all get out of bed and walk to work. Yeah, that'll show 'em.

  20. This answer assumes that by "hurt" you mean to reduce their revenues and their profits. One way is not to consume anything, since everything from food to your computer to the electricity you consumed to post the question most likely consumed some petroleum product.

    Since that isn't very realistic how about conserving: use flourescent light bulbs and turn them off when you aren't in the room, carpool or better yet walk, turn the heater temp down or the AC temp up, take shorter colder showers... Nothing original, all the same things you've heard a million times before.

    But if everyone actually did them....

  21. I totally agree. We cannot rely on industry or government to help, because they are afraid of change.

    And we shouldn't scrimp or sacrifice.

    Anyone can

    - buy a diesel car and run B100 biodiesel

    This is a little more expensive, but "good to do".

    Anyone can gain the skills to

    - Convert a car to straight electric

    - Convert a car to strong-hybrid (plug in)

    - Convert a diesel to run straight veggie oil (or used fry oil)

    - brew your own biodiesel

    This is actually cheaper in the long run.  Skillz = $$$!

    At that point you're buying NOTHING from the oil companies.

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