
How wecan over take dev.nations in power and indefence?

by  |  earlier

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my feeling is how should over take other nations in sports and in dending our nation by enemies for this ihave averybest answer in world ifany body want ican tell them even to ahoo groups!




  1. In spite of number of socio political problems our country is noticed as a fifth strongest country in the world in defence is concerned, sixth country to have own satellite programming , apart from this our country is one of the hub for computer related services and one of the big country proud be having scholars in the field of medical and engineering.

    Unlike Japan our country is a semi continental with a number of different religions, castes, sects, etc. ect. but there is unity in diversity. Our country is developing country and we have miles to go in achieving the No.1 position.

  2. Improve economy first so that there will be money to buy weapons and develop technology to be a powerful country.

  3. We can never overtake developed nations as we are selfish, undisciplined, corrupt, irresponsible people. We are one of the worst corrupt state. our politicians think about themselves and amass wealth and deposit them in Swiss banks. Our industrialists make hook and crook methods and establish huge industrial empires. One industrialist with in 30 years has overtaken every other industrialist and became the biggest Industrialist in India.  We have 32 defense laboratories where repetition work or re engineering work is carried out.So where you plan to start?

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