
How well can a non-German speaking American get by in Germany?

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I know practically no German, but love the history and want to experience the culture and its people firsthand.




  1. Living in Germany now.  You should be fine.  In Eastern Germany, fewer people speak English, but you should be able to find a few that do.  Western Germany is the most Americanized, so most people here speak English.  Even if they say they don't, they usually at least speak a few words.

    But it is a good idea to learn a few phrases.  And if you need to know anything about cultural differences, I'd be happy to tell you.  

    Good luck!

  2. We've been living in Germany since May and I still dont know any German! I found that they get annoyed if you dont try, although most of them do know english. If you dont feel uncomfortable asking peoplel if they speak english then you'll be fine. Learn please and thank you, excuse me and how to count to ten. Thats all I know and I've gotten by fine! Good luck!

  3. Why not just get off your lazy a s s and learn German?

    Viel Glück!

  4. Many people speak english there, but if they don't, they will go out of their way to find someone else who can help you.  Take along a small, pocket-sized dictionary, and try to learn a few basic words beforehand.  Have a great trip.

  5. You will have no issue...Most germans under 60 speak English

  6. I am from Germany and have to agree with the opinions above - you shouldn't have too many problems finding people who have at least a basic understanding of English and in "touristy" towns you will most likely find English city tours so you will be able to get your share of history. Socialising might be more challenging since people oftentimes feel insecure about their knowledge of the language, but in university towns you should find people willing to speak English to you in a pub and if not, find an Irish pub - you should be able to find native English speakers there, if you wanna compare your experience. Just keep in mind that in German schools most of the teachers stick religiously to British (more specific: Oxford) English, so if you face problems, try speaking slowly and as clear as possible, to give them a fair chance to pick out the words they know.

    Other than that: Make sure you have a "Schweinebraten mit Knödeln" (pork roast with potato dumplings) for me, since I don't have access to those in my new home and enjoy your time in Germany!

  7. Many German folk speak & understand English.  Don't worry, have a great time.  I'm going next year to see family.

  8. Many Germans can speak English, especially in big cities such as Berlin, Köln, Munich, Frankfurt, etc. You won't find any probs.

    But when you are able to talk German, they'll appreciate you more. But you've to work your a-s-s out to learn it. It's soooooo difficult and complicated!

    Viel Spaß!

  9. You can get by pretty well...I would try to learn tourist german---it's fun...I think you will find my Germans want to practice their english with you....have fun...

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