
How well did Lieberman do at the RNC?

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I loved his talk and was estatic that finally someone gave Republicans part of the credit for the balanced budget during Clinton's Presidency.




  1. Lieberman did a very good job.

    He even mentioned Clinton and did not get booed!

    Thompson did a good job too.

    Compared to the DNC convention the RNC is kicking their butts

  2. Lieberman is a lame speaker, but he did a good job supporting McCain and Palin.  However, he does not hold a candle to Zell Miller that was the last dem to give a speech at a RNC convention.

  3. America is working its way to one party,same as other dictatorships

    Lieberman wants to be in the middle to be ready

  4. Zomg...

    Who cares what kind of show he put on? He's an opportunist and he says what ever will help him the most.

    Sad you guys are worried about weather the DNC or RNC "won" when the real losers are the the American People and the Constitution.

    Or maybe no one really cares what's going on outside these conventions. violence, police brutality, unlawful search and seizure, "Free Speech Zones", mass arrests with no charges pending, reporters beaten and arrested for reporting the news.

    Hey, go ahead and feel that special glow for the Democrat that loves Republicans. Lieberman knows there's only one party in this nation and he's counting on you feel good about it. And sorry, Lieberman isn't respected by independent voters. That's why they're independent.

  5. Lieberman is respected by a lot of independent voters. This group will win it or lose it in this election. He did  a fine job explaining why people should support their country and not their political party

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