
How well did i eat today? (what i ate included inside) best answer in 4 hours!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok for breakfast:

frosted cherrios w/ milk of course



peanut butter sandwich



3 packages of fruit snacks =/



cucumbers and italian dressing lol

(so basically a salad)

did i eat ok today?

on a scale of 1-10 how well did i eat?

also, i walked/ran a little on the tred mill today for half an hour

if i continue to do this how much weight can i loose a week?

im 13

150 pounds

have a little tummy

and have HUGE thunder thighs


ok so there arent that big...but still, they defietly are there

so questions:

did i eat good today on a scale of one-10

how much weight can i loose per week if i continue this?

also, all i drink is water

i hate milk and juice

unless its in cereal or something lol

best answer!!!




  1. I don't know much about healthy stuff but it is way better then I eat so I give you an 8.

    It would be a miracle if I ate like that. I am really thin but I don't eat much and when I do it isn't healthy.

    but I think you should cut out the snack part...that is just me though. See I wake up at 11:30 am everyday and maybe eat some macaronii and then some mexican food for dinner and ice cream after it. Usually I won't eat anything till like about 6:00 and then have an unhealthy snack, stupid habits. Stick with what you are doing.

    EDIT: but I don't like the shape of my stumach (which isn't even that bad) but it bothers the heck out of me. So every night before I go to bed I made a habit of doing situps.

    How you do a proper situp:

    okay put your feet under something so you don't move, like under the couch. Lay down with your knees up and lay your hands down beside you. Use your chest to bring you up but only like seriously 3 inches. Don't go up to your knees!! Now these will really hurt and I only do 20 of them. Also while you are doing them hold your stomach muscles in because if you don't you will build your stomach out causing it to look bigger.

    then after that lay down again and put your legs up in the air. Raise your butt up like an inch or 2 then back down. Keep doing that I do like only 10, they hurt a lot XD. The work your lower abs. Make a habit of doing it every night!!

    oh an no excuses! I don't care if you hate milk you must drink it every day!!! I am so serious every single day, skim milk too. It will help and you will be stronger, also prevents oesteoporosis.

  2. for being 13 i'll give you a 10. it takes gut for a person to stick to that diet. I'm sure if you continue you'll loose weight.

  3. You're doing good. Watch out for the sugars/high cal snacks. Instead of eating 3 packages of fruit snacks, have one and then maybe have something a little healthier like a banana with peanut butter or pretzles. One HUGE thing you need to do is work out. It's really hard to lose weight if you dont. Ride a bike, run, jog, swim, lift weights. Whatever you like, just get your heart beat up. If you burn more calories than you take in everyday, then your body starts getting its energy from it's fat stores aka your tunder thighs ;-) good luck!

  4. you ate actually really good except for the fruit packs try and narrow it down to 1 or 2 packs i know they are very addicting but just try and insid eat real fruit you will feel better! on  a scale i would say maybe a high 9 or a 10 but not a perfect 10! lol and for your exercising maybe make it an hour a day not at the same time! do 30 min walk it off rest 30 min! it works ! and also for your legs it would help if you worked on exercieses that foucus on your legs! search on google maybe for some ideas! Good Luck! your doing really good so far!

  5. well if you were to ask me you have not eaten Any thing i can eat a hole peanut butter sandwich in 94 sec so no you are not eating and carrots do nothing for when you are hungry and i am 167 pounds i am not groan

  6. You did GREAT! And those fruit snacks were not bad, your day was definitely lacking sugar, so you are fine! If you keep eating like this you will lose about 2 a week.

  7. a bit of sugar for breakfast but thats okie

    good lunch, but make sure you have a drink, and wheat brea not white

    ohh, i would have like an apple instead of that for snack

    make sure you have a protein for dinner

    id say 8 or 9 :]

    hey good job by excercising

    you can loose about five pounds in 2 to 3 weeks

    to loose more, no sugar, no carbs, no starch, more exercise, and that sort of thing,

    hope that helps:]

  8. that was good!

    just the whole fruit snack thing.

    although, i do the same thing.

    and you cannot loose any weight like that.

    you have to exercise.

    walking longer than 30 minutes a day.


    sit ups


    push ups.

    you have to do it, there is no way around it.

    i wish you could sit around and not lose weight but sadly that doesnt happen.

    you're halfway there.

    just exercise.

    Good Luck!

  9. 150 is big for someone your size and your BMI may be telling you that your obese.

    you ate at a 9.

    the 3 packs of fruit snacks arent really any serving of fruit unless advised on the packet. but everything else is healthy. try throwing in a small snack like from a fruit and veggie platter. eat a handful of veggies and half a cup of fruit as a snack.

  10. Yeah that was good but you're kind of lacking protien. Eat a little more meat!

    You need to exercise though. An hour a day is a good way to start.

    Good luck!

  11. You did good.On a scale I'd say 7.I would have skipped the quesidilla.

    I'm in your shoes. I've been walking with my mom around our neighborhood for about an hour[1 mile]every other day and I've lost 20lbs. so far. I'm so proud!Don't give up your doing well!Drink lots of water,try skipping candy and soft drinks too.It helped me.Good luck!Remember when your finished and you've reached your goal you'll be soooo proud of yourself.

  12. ok im not an expert or anything but in my opinion, you ate pretty well.. you could maybe do better though by substituting a couple of foods such as the frosted cheerios. They're not that bad for you but there are plenty of healthier cereals out there that taste just as good. Also instead of having fruit snacks get a real piece of fruit lol or just reduce it to one fruit snack. And eating a quesidilla everyday may not be too good for you either. Grease= not too good for you. But overall i'd say you ate about a 7 out of 10. I'm not sure how much weight you'll lose either but i can suggest to add a variety to your exercise... it helps me to do some change it up from walking/running to other types of workouts such as yoga, aerobics, weight lifting etc... good luck!

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