
How well did your baby adapt to Breast milk and Formula.?

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Well I really want to breastfeed but I will have to go work a couple months after the baby. I was wondering if I had to, was it really hard to switch them to formula after breastfeeding for two months or no?




  1. I am breastfeeding my son and supplementing with formula and he is 5 1/2  months old. I had to start supplementing 4 weeks ago once or twice a day because I didn't produce enough milk for my very big baby. It's a long story and I'll spare you, but we tried the powdered formula and he gagged and shuddered etc...It was ugly, I was in tears. My husband insisted it was because he just didn't like the taste of that one and he went to the store and bought 4 different brands all the already mixed type. Sure enough, as soon as he got a hold  of the Similac premixed, he was HOOKED! He loves it and took instantly to it. I was pumping when he wasn't feeding off me because I felt horrible putting him on any formula since it had been drilled into me that it made me a less caring mom. Finally after a light went on for me, I realized my baby was hungry and I was going to feed him. So, he was already used to a bottle because of the pumping (I don't buy into the "nipple confusion" anyway) and he liked the taste of the formula.

    My tip to you is to try a few brands until he lets you know he likes it and good luck to you!

    P.S....Anyone who calls you a horrible mom must be a horrible mom herself if she feels it's necessary to say such a thing. I would call that a VERY abusive type person and would be concerned for their children's exposure to such behavior.

  2. Why can't you pump when you go back to work and then you wouldn't have to worry about wether or not your baby will take to formula...

  3. Well, my doctors always told me that some breast milk is better than none at all. So if you wish to breast feed your child for that period, by all means then do it. It is your choice. W/e you decide just know that you are doing it in the best interest of your baby. Whether you decide to breastfeed or give formula.

    I am breastfeeding my daughter and I love every minute of it. It is a closeness like you have never experienced. So if you want to do it then the best of luck to you!

  4. first of all, formula is not horrible.  it is fortified with nutrients and if it was horrible then dr.s would not allow babies to eat it.  that being said, you are not a horrible mother for choosing to give your baby formula and breastmilk!  my son took formula at 2 months just fine, some babies do good some babies don't.  its really up to him, or her.

  5. Ive heard it effects their poos while they are getting used to the switch but it should be fine. You could always breast feed bubs before work and in the evening and give formula while you are working.

    I would seriously consider saving for a pump though. You dont have to get an expensive one just a hand operated pump will work fine. You will save sooooo much money in the long run as formula is very expensive and babies go through alot of it.  You may also want to try hand expressing. I have been breast feeding exclusively for 3 months and have only ever hand expressed. It can take longer though but if you really want to breast feed and cant afford a pump it is another option.

    But what ever you do good luck and congrats on the baby!

  6. I switched my daughter over by mixing formula and breastmilk together in the same bottle. I started with mostly breastmilk and then gradually switched to more formula. I pumped the rest until I was pretty much dried up and what little ounce or two that I got would go into her formula until there was no more left. This gave her a smooth transition. But for all I know, she would have adapted well anyway. I have no way to know.

    If you want to explore exclusively breastfeeding while working, you can pump your milk to store in the freezer until it is needed and then whoever is watching your baby can give him/her the pumped milk. You can boost your supply to pump extra by taking Fenugreek capsules (7-9 per day) and eating oatmeal 3x a day.  

  7. Breastfeed as long as you can and try finding a bottle that is designed for breast-fed bubs (eg. Tommee Tippee has one)

    It may be difficult but it won't be impossible! Your baby won't remember and you will be glad you at least gave your child three months of wonderful breastmilk!

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