
How well do Czech girls age?

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I'm 25 (despite looking 33) and a 26-year-old Czech girl is interested in me. I think in the long-term and don't want to waste this girl's 20s, if, I don't really see myself getting married to someone who, in 10 years' time, will be pushing 40, you know?

Do Czech girls stay youthful-looking? How do they compare to Hungarians, say?




  1. most eastern europeans are hot.......

  2. LOL@MSS anywho caucations start to look old after the age of 25!  But you are an azz I hope you die a slow death

  3. What a great bloke you must be..........

    What a great father you would become...........

    The only good thing to know is that you're human!


  4. If you loved her then looks wouldn't matter. But most Czec girls are hot!!!!

  5. You must be an idiot to judge girls by their looks. The true beauty come from within. Yes Czech girls are hot, so dose the British girls, Chinese girls, Indian girls, African girls, Canadian girls, ect. I don't blame you for falling love with the physical beauty, but asking such low life question may be an indication of how poor your ideas are. Having said that, most European girls are hot compare the North American once.

  6. Youre a dog, only looking to mate with something pretty. I pity your pathetic mentality. Do yourself a favor and LEAVE HER ALONE. Date a girl in her teens, and tell her you love her because when your old and crusty she will still be hot.

  7. Lol.

    You're a dic**ead, man.

  8. so let me get this right...despite looking like an old bag yourself, you want a hot girl after ten years? wow...

  9. You are very shallow,you need a warning sign pinned to you to give guidelines out in what you expect from women,i'm sure the girls will be flocking to you!!!

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