
How well do Zen Creative mp3 and video players work?

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I've been having problems with my iPod, so I'm looking to switch. I've found a Creative Zen mp3 which I like, but I need to know how user-friendly it is.

This is the model (I want it in black):

Also, does it work with Vista?




  1. I have a Creative Zen.

    Not the mozaic, but I love my Zen.

    And yes it works on Vista.

    I use windows media player to import songs, but I use the program that came with it to import videos and pictures.

    If you need help uploading videos

    feel free to email me.

  2. I have a creative mp3 and I LOVE IT!!! I actually own 3 of them, mine, my sons and my other half have one but only I keep them loaded with music and updated. They are very user friendly.As long as every once and a while you go to the Creative website and make sure you download updates and firmware protection it will run smoothly! I download all my music through Rhapsody and it takes about 2 minutes to download about 15 songs or so. Super Fast!!  

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