
How well do you bear the cross/es in your life? ?

by Guest32457  |  earlier

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How well do you bear the cross/es in your life? ?




  1. i really dont mind carrying it

  2. I think, the fact that I'm still sane and prettier than ever before is already a proof of how well I manage the trials of life. I personally do not believe in blaming circumstances or people for whatever happens to my life. I also don't believe in luck. I believe that whatever I do, wherever I am, and however good or bad my situation is, I'm the only one responsible for it. And I am actually more comfortable blaming myself when something bad happens to me rather than pointing to somebody else, because acknowledging my mistake somehow empowers me in the sense that I know full well that I have control over my mistakes and actions. Therefore, I can decide not to commit them again when faced with a similar situation in the future.  

  3. with a smile

  4. i've manage all the trials that crossed my path.. there's always solution to all the trials that comes into my life or to anyone's life... just know how to control and solve it to stay sane and to focus on ur goal..

  5. Took time for me to learn how to bear the crosses in my life.  And I sure have been through the worst.  

    I bear them very well now, thanks to the Lord.  To be really specific, it is the hope of the afterlife that made everything bearable.  

  6. I dont think anybody could carry their heavy cross with ease. But even so, individual's strive to reach for something better would be their motivation to get to the end. And what sweeter way to taste success when you work hard to get it.  

  7. not too well. can't bear the weight.

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