
How well does a Chinese guy have to know a girl before he asks her out?

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I know for the most part that they're very traditional. Does he have to know her very well before he asks out a girl? Or would he ask out a girl he likes but doesn't know too well.




  1. I live in Sichuan province and have been here for 4 years. The new gen aren't so far removed from Western ways but about 25 years up are usually introduced by others who think they will suit. Unfortunately it still has little to do with love/looks and parents will apply pressure especially to females to make a choice based on future and selfishly, in our eyes, what the parents will get out of it when they are old and need looking after/money. An introduction will happen at a dinner/outing and after the 2 will be left alone to chat and arrange the next date if agreeable. Don't think too much about s*x etc, most times courting will go on for some months then a simple marriage of paper signing and usually a big lunch where the family and friends will give cash. Some folk with money are starting to have Western style ceremoneys as well. Younger Guys now although still inherently shy, are getting bolder and going against parents choices. It's not unusual to find men in their 30's that have not had a single incident of female contact because of job pressures and the desire to succeed there first.

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