
How well does the B-12 Vitamin (Dots) work?

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I have experienced for a long time now that I have no energy, I have heard alot of people take the B-12 vitamin for this main reason to give them energy. How true is this? And is there any side effects ?




  1. If you don't have any energy, it certainly means that something in your diet and life is out of order.

    It could be that you are deficient in vitamins or minerals or that you are pushing your self to hard.

    You could give B vitamins a try and see if it helps.  I would do a b vitamin complex, not just a b vitamin by itself.

  2. I used to take the dots and I noticed a difference.  I stopped taking them and forgot about it until I noticed I don't have any energy lately so I looked it up here to see what others thought.  According to a lot of answers here, it is best to take a multi b vitamin complex.  So maybe you should try that instead of just taking the b-12.  I exercise so I know it's not lack of exercise and I'm sick of drinking coffee and red bull so hopefully this will work for you too.  Good Luck!

  3. My mom used to force me to take the B-12 dots. Long story short, they didn't work. (There were no side effects though, although it got kinda annoying waiting for them to dissolve sometimes) What did work for me though, was the Emergen-C powder drinks. They are also high in B-12 as well as many other minerals and vitamins. However, it also depends on the person and what is causing the fatigue. I recommend using Emergen-c first (because it's cheaper) and see if it works. If it doesn't, dry the dots.

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