
How well does the handheld GPS systems work or preinstalled is better?

by Guest56135  |  earlier

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random person i see that your doing what you do best $thats hunt me down on answers i bet you wiosh you could hang me&rev stop being two faced all the name calling you have done to oboma &his family please what have he ever done to you ?nothing thats whats ,absolutely nothing!!!random person you are a sack of **** &lies i bet your mad you can't use your whip ha,ha,ha,you people are no morre than raven theives,liars &if GOD do not punish for what your ancestors do then why do we suffer for the incident in the garden its called a generational curse ask your racist pastor i'm sure even he knows that, you all are the only ones born with eyes like that everyone else eyes are naturaully dark well the ones that has'nt been tampered all hair is the only ones hair that born with one color hair &changes to another , i could tell you some things that would scare you to death but i will not ,h**l is not my home its yours think before you try to bad mouth black people .goodbye satan!!




  1. NO! that is the racist way of thinking. that you don't have to do research because you think you already know. and for you information like I said, Zora Neale Hurston is a BLACK Author and she didn't just read books she actually found out for herself that the black leaders were selling the slaves.

    Give me proof that the blacks were the only ones in history that had any trouble. yes the Romans did enslave people, but they were not only black. yes the Egyptians DID enslave the Jews.

    but still answer this, why do only whites have to be punished when it wasn't only whites enslaving people and it wasn't only blacks being enslaved? the Egyptians enslaved the Jews, the Greeks enslaved ALL not

    Greeks, the Romans enslaved all non Romans. the East Asians enslaved each other. and YES the Africans enslaved the Africans, they are even doing it right now, they are enslaving each other and fighting each other.

    You act like the Blacks had the hardest time out of all the races in all of History. The Christians were being slaughtered when Christianity first started, the Jews have been have been getting the short end of the stick since the beginning of Judaism. Yes the blacks did have a hard time, but they aren't the only ones!

    You act like all whites are racist. what about the whites who fought to free the slaves, and the whites who helped them sneak to the north. I greatly oppose segregation and am ashamed that anyone on earth actually did that to anyone, I think that segregation of different peoples is the worst thing that anyone has ever done.

    seriously get your facts straight before you say something like all white people should go to h**l!

    If I'm going to h**l, I WILL SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!

  2. Well first off why pay 6 or 7 times the price for a GPS that is built into your car when you can get one to plug into your car or take it to another car that you drive. If your walking take it with you. The portable units work just as good as any that is installed from the factory.

  3. You are the racist.  Stop lying about other people who have done no wrong towards you

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