
How well is obedience and dissent understood by you or the authorities?

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How much should either obedience or dissent be internalized or expressed?




  1. behavior modification :  

  2. The use of deadly force is authorized only in the defense of others and in self-defense circumstances, each individual has to evaluate what the appropriate level of force employed in any given situation and will be held accountable for what might be considered excessive force.

    You as a citizen are entitled to descent and protest as all American citizens are should they feel themselves abused and impressed by their government.  In fact the Constitution obligates us to over turn an unjust and immoral government should that become necessary, however this is accomplished by taking an active role in the election process and not by force of arms.

    You're permitted to civil disobedience and dissent as long as you do not threaten to damage or destroy public or private property; in such event you will be subject to arrest by members of  law enforcement.  Threaten to endanger the lives of your fellow citizens or the lawful authorities then you may find yourself suffering severe injury or death for your actions.

    It is not quite as important what I understand what my responsibilies under the law are to maintain law and order as it is that YOU understand what I will do to maintain law and order in my community.  Endanger me, my family, my friends or my neighbors and I won't care how rightous your cause might be, I will take immediate corrective action!

  3. Allot of my understanding of dissent and obedience in the current U.S. political process comes from this sit  Dagnabit.  The link gives you the right site.  Wrong page.  I was trying to get you to Lawrence W. Britt's 14 identifying characteristics of fascism.  I recommend you Google it.

  4. This is a fabulous question. It unfortunately falls under one of those "I know it when I see it" things.

    The problem lies when an authority is too touchy or sensitive, or uses his/her rank to garner respect as opposed to using his/her know-how and leadership skills to do so. This means that even normal responses to certain orders can cause a subordinate to get into trouble. It also makes a subordinate less likely to correct or suggest improvements because they feel that it will be taken as an act of dissent.  

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