
How well should a 3 yr old talk?

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she resorts to babbling. she seems very smart. she knows her colors, can count to twenty and knows the alphabet song, but she cant say her name if someone asks her.




  1. If she can talk and just doesn't then the most likely culprit is laziness on your part (sorry no offense) What I mean is, when she asks for juice and just points and grunts and you give it to her, you are telling her this is acceptable. You must make her at this point tell you what she wants. I like to use the phrase "Use your big girl/boy words" tell Me what you want. Do you want milk? Then say, Milk. If they refuse then they get water or something other that they don't really want but that way I am not going to have my child starve or be thirsty. If they pitch a fit then they definitely are not getting it. Also, when they get really excited and are stumbling through tell your child to slow down so mommy can understand. This worked for me hope it does for you!

  2. my daughter can say her name, because it ava (not that hard to say), but try giving her a nickname presentable to her thats easy to say. or just practice saying it together.

  3. Is she shy?  If so, this may be the reason.  Most three year olds can say their name.  She should also be saying about 1000 words.  I would have her tested.  Her doctor can do this, or call your local school district for help or a referral to a place that can help.  Good luck.

  4. When you say 'can't say her name when asked' do you mean she just doesn't know the correct response to someone saying "whats your name?" but she can SAY her name. Cos I'd say that was ok. She just hasn't learn't the correct way to respond and you could try teaching her by using her toys: ie "Teddy says what is your name? You say *Sally*" and get family to help her practise.

    Otherwise her counting etc sounds like she is just fine verbally!

  5. she should be able to say at least 200 words, and her name. she may have some sort of speech disorder. It may be worth your effort to call your local school system and ask them to test her for possible disabilities. My son only said 10 words at 2 years old, and he was tested by a speech therapist. She said that he was a full year behind in expressive speech. She began working with him 30 minutes 2x a week, and we taught him sign language. After about 3-4 months of therapy he started picking up words really quickly. there are still some serious communication issues, but he is making great progress.

    please feel free to contact me and I can give you some additional advice if you are interested.

  6. Since every child is different and does things at different ages it is hard to say how well she should talk. If she knows colors,alphabet and can count to 10 then she seems on track. Maybe she is shy around other people. My oldest son did the same thing and just we would always have to answer for him. He was very shy though. Good Luck

  7. wow.... my son is 3 and like her cousin he talks like crazy and you can pretty much understand what he says some people have a hard time though.  I would just work with her on it all the time, just constantly point to her say your name is (her name) my name is mommy, I don't really know what else to tell you because my son knows my name is Jessica and mommy daddy's name is chuck, he knows his brothers name, his name, but we were constantly telling him what his name is and who we are, just go for a walk and talk to her and show her things and tell her what they are, or walk around the house and do that, you could also make up a song to help her learn things she needs help with, she can talk right? you said she can say pets names and knows her colors and can could and knows her alphabet so obviously she is a smart little girl!! if she has a hard time saying her name like if it's a long name or something maybe teach her nick name to her if she has one, and still work with her on her full name because she has to know her name, another thing you can try is maybe go through a photo album or some pictures of some familiar faces and ask her who is this? and find a picture of her and say and who is this? what is her name?? make she you say what is your name  a lot so she recognizes that oh her name is (her name) when people ask her what her name is....  there is nothing wrong with her from my opinion (not like I'm some special person or something LIL!!) but she just simply needs to work on it!! good luck!!

  8. i know toddlers are all different, but she should be able to say her name!! Does she have a long, complicated name??? You can always ask your peadatrician.  good luck.

  9. I wouldn't worry about it,,my boy didn't hardy talk at all (except when he wanted something)till around 4-5 he talks just fine now ,,,she is just the quite type like my boy was ,,she will grow out of it when she goes to preschool

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