
How were dinosaurs killed?

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how did they die?

what are the proofs for and against the volcano, asteroid, iridium and cannibalism theory?





  1. they never existed.

    so no question of proving they died.

  2. a huge meteorite

  3. because ice dynasty

  4. Well aside from modern day birds being decedents of Therapod dinosaurs, the dinosaurs that you are probably thinking of (those of around 65 millions years ago) were likely killed by starvation.

    We have good evidence that there was a massive asteroid impact that ejected soot and iridium around the planet (this is known as the K-T boundary). Those animals living at the time that depended upon massive amounts of food for their life (ie - large animals) perished by starvation - if not the catastrophe of the actual impact.

    If you think about it carefully, a large body impacting with the earth would kill outright lots of prey, predators and plant life. Those who survived may have been able to scavenge, but could well have been poisoned by putrefying flesh in shallow water holes. Additionally, certainly flora required for animals diet would have died back due to not being able to proliferate in the twighlight of a global dustcloud. Rotten carcasses at water-holes would have killed off even more animals.

    Finally - such a massive impact would most likely cause volcanic activity.

    The only strong proof for all of this though is the globally detectable K-T event and the obvious extinctions from around the same time (ie we find no large dinosaurs after the K-T boundary). It was an event that left its mark around the world, and we know that such a poor environment can kill off certain species while others survive.

  5. maybe they were of no need to this earth and god killed them of!!! also men bacame smaller over the years and so we would have probably all been eaten alive if they still existed!!!!!

  6. The gulf of Mexico is evidence of an asteroid which would have caused so much ash that it would have blocked the sun which killed all plants, then herbivores and lastly carnivours. But that's just one theory. There's another theory that the dinosaurs died of them farting too much (however there is no reliable proof of this)

  7. alternative theory 1:

    what if some aliens destroyed them all? because dinosaurs was a dangerous threat to the aliens who were visiting the planet

    alternative theory 2:

    what if a super dangerous virus killed them all?

  8. They weren't killed. They just disappeared.

    Then they reappeared in Jurassic Park.

  9. I think a group of Canadians with clubs eradicated them.

  10. dinosaurs were rigid.they did not like to adjust.they wanted to live in that climate in which they used to live.when the climate changed due to various factors they were not able to adjust& hence they do not survive.

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