
How were people taken to the <span title="concentration/extermination/labour">concentration/exterminati...</span> camps? and where did they come from?

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during the Holocaust





  1. A lot were transported by train.  They were packed into the train cars to where nobody could even sit.  They were in absolutely horrible, inhumane conditions.  The people were rounded up from all over Europe.  Any country under n**i control ended up contributing people to the concentration camps.  People were certainly transported there by trucks as well.

  2. afk doesn&#039;t give you the full horror of this form of transport.  people were crammed into cattle trucks/waggons and the doors were fastened. they were given no food or water and there were no toilet facilities meaning they went where they stood.  when the train arrived at the camp quite a lot of the weaker ones were already dead.  I suggest you go to your library and take out a book dealing with the subject not pleasant reading but we and our children must not be allowed to forget.  I&#039;m old enough to remember how this was shown in cinemas and how we children were not allowed to see the newsreels, the fear was it would upset us too much...................

  3. The first step was to round up jews from amongst the population into concentrated areas within cities (ghettos). These areas suffered from lack of food, horrendous antiation, and often many died inside the ghetto and could not be disposed of. After they were concntrated trucks or trains would transport them to &quot;labor&quot; camps where tehy would be killed immediatley or shortly afterwards. The n***s would set numerical quotas they wanted to meet, whenever they needed more bodies they would go back to the ghetto and repeat the process.

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