
How were the Stonehenge and the pyramids created?Did the UFOs created them? ?

by Guest57090  |  earlier

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How were the Stonehenge and the pyramids created?Did the UFOs created them? ?




  1. No , the UFOs did not create them

    Although the pyramids are magnificent structures, there construction was based on scientific, architectural, mathematical principles that were available to the Egyptians even at that early time of history. Whereas today we would use machinery to construct them, the ancient Pharaohs used massive manpower.

    As for Stonehenge, again despite it's magnificence, it was built on sound principles available at the time. And again. massive manpower was required to complete the job

    Do not fall into the trap that man only became intelligent in the last hundred years

  2. Did you know that under the great pyramid there is an alien city?!

  3. The underlying message of 'aliens came and lent technology" theme is "We humans are too dumb to have built the pyramids by ourselves."

    Occam's Razor states that you arrive at a conclusion with the fewest number of assumptions. On a horse ranch, when you hear hoof beats, do you yell "Zebra?" Same with stone monuments. Plus there's the problem of the discarded tools, living quarters and trash heap left by those that built the monuments. It's hard to explain aliens leaving human garbage.

    You have to disprove the evidence that we humans piled stones on top of each other. Then you have to show evidence of aliens traveling light years, over centuries, to then pile some rocks up. Why? Arthur C. Clarke explained it this way. If 1 inch equaled a million years, then the Empire State Building provides a good measure of the age of the earth. Put a book upright on the top and that's the length of time man has been even vaguely human. Put a dime on the book, that's the history of civilization. Science and technology? Add a postage stamp. Bottom line, aliens would had to have hit the dime on the Empire State Building to provide the technology to advance civilization. More likely they would have found no intelligent life.

    PBS did "This Old Pyramid" where a scaled down pyramid was made (They had a week, not twenty years) After several theorists went on about pouring the stones like concrete and aliens and lifting machines, the stonemason in charge ranted that if people got out of his way, he'd have the thing built in time! They did and he did.

    In the Great Pyramid there's graffiti left by the work crews.They painted their team name on the stones. there's also extensive evidence that the building plans were changed several times and construction techniques changed. Finally, as with "This Old Pyramid" none of the work required anything more then manpower, and simple tools. Even the pyramid shape has a long history in the Egyptian history.

    You've been given a great history of how Stonehenge was built and rebuilt. In the 1960s, when "Stonehenge Decoded" came out, it was learned that there were several slight errors in the alignments. Not great, but you'd expect aliens that could cross interstellar gulfs would have had better math skills then that.

  4. Heres the thing, Lack of evidence for the theory that humans created these monuments, is not evidence for the theory that aliens did it. it's a classic fallacy

  5. Probably aliens made them as well as other monuments around the world like the inca pyramids.

    I think aliens made Stone Henge for sure as there is no other logical explaination.

  6. I have been to both and read info on both too and I conclude that that the pyramids were constructed by the Ancien Egyptians after years of hardlaborr and stonehenge was made bysuperstitious pagans. And no UFO's did not make them.

  7. No UFOs were needed to construct Stonehenge, see the sources below ...

  8. STONEHENGE: This ancient monument of huge stones solitarily standing on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England has captured imaginations for centuries. Theories about who built it have included the Druids, Greeks, Phoenicians, and Atlanteans. Speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy.

    Investigations over the last 100 years have revealed that Stonehenge was built in several stages from 2800 - 1800 BC. It seems to have been designed to allow for observation of astronomical phenomena - summer and winter solstices, eclipses, and more.

    1900 BC - First phase of building at Stonehenge. Circular ditch and 4 holes excavated. The heel stone was erected and the 50 Aubrey holes dug.

    1750 BC - Second wave of construction. Double circle of bluestones constructed.

    1650 BC - Third wave of construction. Sarsen Circle and horseshoe of trilithons built.

    1663 - John Aubrey does the first known systematic inspection of the site. He attributes the construction to the Druids who used the site as a temple.

    1740 - Dr. William Stuckly, also a proponent of the Druid theory, investigated and measured the site, and was the first to suggest that it was astronomically aligned.  

  9. no sadly not UFOs

    it was good old people power

    the pyramids were create for Pharaohs and their passing to the next world and to be remembered

    stonehenge was created for the solicits and sacrifices  

  10. We can't discount the theory that aliens might have taught people things way back then.  But we have to treat it like any thing else in which we have no proof or even evidence, so it is highly unlikely.

  11. Ali's answer about Stonehenge was good though her dates are out --the monument was begun about 3000 BC (the bank/ditch) with the first stones arriving around 2600 BC,the big sarsen phase around 2400-2200 BC, with lots of tinkering about for a thousand years!

       I doubt aliens were involved; the mortise and tenon joints on the lintels are good old woodworking principles (although done in stone) and besides that, the remains of over 200 purely mortal people lay within the henge.

      religion can cause people to move mountains (almost literally!). No one would suggest the great medieval cathedrals were built by aliens (because they are closer to our age and we understand them better) but they were hard to build too,using quite primitive means, and some of the carving are so fine,and placed in such a way  they were meant only for heavenly eyes.

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