
How were the late 19th century urbanization, industrialization & immigration related to each other?

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How were the late 19th century urbanization, industrialization & immigration related to each other?




  1. ditto. Industrialization- Think assembly line. People that lived outside of the major cities in farms and what not, moved to the city to get the jobs- urbanization. What's interesting is that in some of these towns, the owner of the industry built the town, so a lot of what he was paying his workers came back to him in terms of rent, anemities, and entertainment.

  2. Industrialization of labour markets,increased production of steel capital demand.Cities became metropolis's for the masses as they could earn better money,living conditions. All materials were centred in one place with factories that could produce in mass quantites for the masses  

  3. Cities became industrialized and people moved from the country to the city work at the factories or emigrated to the US to get factory jobs there.

  4. During the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, cities bcame major centers for industrialization, trade, and commerce.

    Industry grew up along rivers in cities, which led to rapid urban development.  People from the countryside relocated to the cities looking for jobs and better economic opportunites. As cities grew in poulation, this fed the need for more urban development, which led to further industrialization, and more jobs in turn, leading to a continued cycle of growth.

    Hope this helps,


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