
How were the soliders treated in medical treatment?

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in the American Revolution how were the soliders treated if they were wounded and sick




  1. Local doctors helped... but many died from their wounds because a lot of doctors were Tories, and if soldiers showed up at their doorsteps, they would get turned over to the Brits.

    The wealthy professionals are always traitors to just revolution.

  2. A lot of them died, because medical science back then was in its infancy compared to today.

    However, back then, people did know something about first aid.  But anesthetic (other than alcoholic beverages) had not yet been invented, so if they had to cut off someone leg, a lot of other people had to hold down the patient.

    Because the revolutionaries won the war, it was called a Revolution in history.  When they lose, it is called a Civil War.  This is one of the worst kinds of wars in history from a brutality perspective, because the rebels are treated not as battlefield soldiers but some kind of treasonous terrorists, to be shot on sight.  This was long before the Geneva Conventions on treatment of prisoners of war.

    Any doctor, caught treating wounded soldiers of the enemy, was subject to being shot, all his kids shot, hiw home burned down, because aid and comfort to the enemy was treason.

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