
How were these kids raised?! Bad parenting?

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So I was flipping through channels and the shoe Maury is on... this 14 year old girl disrespects her mother and everyone around her. How are these people raised? What is happening to this society? I am only 16 and I know how to act in public! If I talked to my mom like that I would not be talking right now. Whats your opinion?




  1. We were raised very strictly and believe me, if any of us had behaved the way most of those kids behave we would have been murdered. Today parents just don't parent, they want to be buddies or pals instead of using discipline.

  2. Not all kids are well-raised, and we all know that. But their attitude is not always because of the breeding, it may be caused by bad influences of friends or peers. The child might be pressured that his or her peers might tease him or her because of what he or she does so he or she just gets on the flow of her peers.

    And back to parenting, sometimes the parent is too patient to take on the attitude of his or her child. It may also be that the child was not given much time because of the parent's schedule or work. The child seeks for love and he or she found it in his or her friends that he or she forgot about her parents.

  3. the media is destroying our children, anyway; i believe those shows are scripted

  4. It's possible there's no father figure, as you suggested. Some of what I see from today's youth astounds me. I saw this cute kid, maybe 8-10 years old cursing like a sailor, and I think my jaw hit the ground. Such a cute little boy with such a filthy mouth! Maybe I'm wrong, but I think a lot of the problem is both parents have to work to make ends meet, and when they get home they don't have much time for the kids (maybe need some time to unwind or do what needs to be done around the house). Then who's teaching the kids values? When they're young they're probably in daycare or being babysat. The kids will pick up on the values or lack of values there. There's always tv. If they have older siblings who do things the parents object to, the younger siblings can easily pick this up. Of course there's peer influence as well. Whatever their friends learn at home, like from older siblings, they might incorporate into their value system as well. Worst scenario: bad parenting. Some people shouldn't be parents. These are just my theories.

  5. i know, i'm 17 myself and the way some people act, adults included....blows you away! a little common curtesy and a smile goes a h**l of a long way

  6. Parents do not want to deal with their kids. Then you have so many parents who think they have to compete with their kids. I had a mom who would take my clothes wear them put them back dirty and laugh about it. I told her no more. One day while I was at work she took all my clothes and poked holes in them so I had no clothes that were not ruined.

  7. Yes I'd say bad parenting.  I work with the public, and I see it everyday.  Kids hitting their parents and yelling at them telling them "your going to buy me this" and almost always the parents cave in and buy it.  I can't believe the behavior I see in public and I'm betting its worse in private.  It seems like a lot of parents don't even try to set rules and limits anymore.  I can't even imagine what would have happened to me if I behaved like that with my parents.  I know it wouldn't have been good for me though.  My parents have always demanded and earned respect from my siblings and myself.  I can't help but wonder why these other parents don't expect the same from their children.

  8. We as parents have had all our rights taken away, so it is very difficult to raise kids.  If you've read the news lately a girl sued her father for grounding her and won.  The judge felt that missing a party was too harsh a punishment for disrespecting her dad.  So it's gotten to the point that when we do try to discipline our children we have no power and the kids know it.  If a parent so much as raises their voice to a child they have to worry about someone calling child services.

  9. That show has displayed degenerate children and parents for're just seeing it now?!?!?

  10. Or maybe the mother was treated really bad as a child and she is trying to make up for it by doing everything she can to make sure the kid has a better life and the kid is just walking over the top of her taking advantage of the mother's kind heart.

  11. They tend to be in single parent families whose mother's had a less-than-pleasant life in the first place. There was likely alcohol or drugs involved in the pregnancy and they were likely "baby mommas" when they had them.

    I've experienced kids who are brats, but to be a Maury-level brat, something in the family has to be seriously wrong.

  12. You're right.  I was at the pool and this little boy stood on the ladder and yelled out something like "everybody get out of the way." He said it more than once.  His mother stood right there while he did it.  I would have said "the polite thing to say is excuse me."  

    I can say I heard ONE woman tell her child to say "excuse me" when the kid splashed someone.  People today have no concept of what good manners are.  It's good to see someone of your age who does have good manners.  Pass them on to your kids, whenever you have them.

  13. more and more these days, the kids rule the house, not the parents. and i've always wondered where the fathers are on those shows, why just a crying mother that has no control over their brats. i mean, who allowed her to be a brat?!? sorry, you riled me up over here.

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