
How were women treated in the 1890's?

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How were women treated in the 1890's?




  1. I suppose it depends on what part of the world you were in, but let's say North America.  The question itself seems to preclude some sort of barbaric attitude against women.  Sort of a "women meant nothing back then" enigma.

    When you think about it, men and women both had their responsibilities including raising a family together.  Compare 1898 to 2008

    Women were not allowed to vote:  I would hazard a guess that very few women could have cared less about it back then. Even men who wanted to vote had trouble taking time out of their livlihood to do so.  Ironically, (and I speak for Ontario, where I live) nowadays, only 40% of eligible voters actually do so, and few of them follow the candidate's campaign issues.

    Women were stuck in the kitchen:  Well, since there were no soccer games, hockey practices, on-line chat, tupperware parties, Chippendales, television, etc... women generally were (I hate to use the word responsible) for the family well being.  Cooking, cleaning and raising kids were a way of life for women then. Just as millworking, mining and farming were a way of life for the men.

    I believe women were more proud back then than they are now.  In fact, I would bet they were more content as well, overall.

    There is too much pressure these days on both women AND men for anyone to feel a sense of ease and contentment.  Someone's life is always better, they have a nicer car, they have a bigger TV, their kids' are smarter, blah, blah, blah.

    Divorces were virtually unheard of in the 1800's, primarily because there was a stronger moral bond between husband and wife and their obligations to their families.  Also, there was less temptation.  No Brad Pitts, George Clooneys, Nicole Kidmans or  Angelinas staring at us everyday out of the idiot box.  Advertisement back then meant a yearly posting of the Sears-Roebuck catalog. Not Victoria's secret!  

    So, as not to blather on relentlessly, IMO, women were treated more equal in the 1890's in this regard.  They never wanted to be in competition with men and more important, they were never pursuaded to be in competition with other women.

  2. not equally...thats for sure.

  3. Mind you I wasn't there, but what I have read about it, it's a good thing I wasn't there. I would have been in constant

    trouble. The women were treated as chattel.

  4. If you were one of the hoi poloi then you were treated badly, whatever gender you were.

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