
How were you brought up by your parents?

by Guest32096  |  earlier

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I was raised by a single mother but she's strict and old fashioned. She never really let me do anything I thought was fun and I had to be inside before the streetlights came on.

How was your upbringing?




  1. Moms hairbrush and switch ruled the house.

  2. My childhood was a living h**l! My mom left when I was 7. My dad was a drunk and sexually abused me. I got pregnant when I was 14 with my longtime bf. But when I told my dad I was pregnant he called me the most horrible names. I ran away and lived with Jeremy my bf. I had my baby boy Dakota at 15. I'm 19 now and pregnant again with Jeremy. Jeremy is 21 and I think I'm actually pregnant with twins!?

  3. 2 parents and a younger brother, Christian family, We go to church every Sunday  and usually Wednesday.EXTREMELY strict; I had to beg 6 months to get my ears double pierced and almost a year until my mom let me wear tampons, I'm a Christian and my parents always wanted me very involved with the church but I thought the people were judgmental, anyway my dad worked at CNN 15 years and currently works at the weather channel, which just got bought by NBC, and we've always been on the wealthy side and close to our relatives. Spanked until I was 10, and still get grounded, my mom has morals and keeps them, so if she thinks that belly button piercing look bad, she won't let me get one because SHE thinks they look bad and doesn't care what I think, says my body is her body until I'm 18,  very strict about my clothing, like even if a tiny bit of cleavage is showing on me she gets upset, grounds me for bad grades, the usual. Freaks out if I'm by myself, couldn't stay home alone until middle school and couldn't get a cell phone until then either, my dad programmed my computer to turn off at 12, my lock is on the OUTSIDE of my door so I can't lock it and they can lock me in if they want to and I can't get out, dad has a VERY bad temper and has gotten me scared for my life a few times, ex. knocking my door off the wall and also hitting me from time to time, one time blacked out almost from the impact, and I've done my homework in a bathtub with the shower curtain closed and the door locked because I couldn't lock my main one and was scared, but overall they've been VERY strict about schoolwork.  Pretty much it's whatever they like, I HAVE to like or else there will be h**l. Went to a Christian school from K-3-4th grade, transferred into a public school from 5th grade through high school.

    On the good side, my mom works at a church and is devoted to that, also she is very sweet natured, my dad loves to go on vacations and brings us on them whenever he can and loves us very much, money's not an issue, my parents bring us everywhere they go on vacation almost, I've gotten a lot of what I've wanted, not to sound spoiled but a lot that I ask for is inexpensive, such as a bottle of perfume that's 10 dollars or some chapstick or makeup. They make sure I'm happy most of the time ahah, and they want us to have a good childhood. Even when my dad lost his job and my mom had to work fulltime so we could eat dinner, my parents acted like nothing changed; we had a normal Christmas and still got to eat out when me and my brother wanted to. I was 8, my brother was 4, and looking back I had no idea and felt bad that we had hardly any money and we still took advantage of what he had, but I love how they both tried to make it seem like nothing had ever happened.

    I ♥ my family.

  4. I am 3rd of 11 children.  We were given a lot of responsibility helping with cooking, cleaning, the younger children (I was babysitting at the age of 11).  We also lived on a cul-de-sac and were allowed to play outside after dark.  My dad used to take as many kids from the neighborhood as would fit into our VW van to the park on summer evenings to play kick the can or capture the flag, both games my dad, who is now 80 played as a kid


    Other family rules we had to abide by (some of these sound very old fashioned now but none of us had teen pregnancies):

    No dating until 16 and then only 2 dates in a row with the same guy (no going steady until 18)

    No more than 15 minutes on the telephone (no cell phones)

    Had to be home from a date by 11:30 for the girls, midnight for the boys so they could drive their date home

    Mom and dad had to know who we were going out with, and where we were going.

  5. Mine's a little different. From when I was 0-10 I lived with my mom, dad, older brother, and older sister. We lived a mostly laxidazical lifestyle, but always had family dinners. We weren't ever really punished. I was a daddy's girl.

    From 11-12 I lived with my sister who was 6 years older than me. My mom lived with her boyfriend and my dad lived a few towns away because of a messy divorce. I wasn't allowed to live with him and he wasn't allowed at the house. I visited with him on weekends and wednesday nights. My sister and her friends always partied, every night of the week and it was a really bad environment.

    From 12-18 I lived with my dad. He was never really strict, but there were boundaries. If I wanted to drink I could drink with him (after I was like 16), but I only ever did once when I was 18. He was honest with me as to how the world is and we went to church every Sunday. We were modern.

    From 18-present I lived in a college dorm and with my dad on holidays and vacations. Life is the same as it has been since I was 12.


  6. I was raised by a single mom with help from my grandmother.  It was very strict and they always knew where I was and with who.  Had to be in at street lights.  I never dreamed of mouthing off because I knew I would get the c**p beat out of me.  I was raised to respect adults, take responsibility for my actions and to know right from wrong. I hated it at the time but am so glad they cared enough to make sure I learned what I was supposed to.  My father was never in the picture I found him just a few years ago and found out that my siblings were rasied the way I wanted when I was young - they got to do whatever they wanted, no curfews, calling adults by first names, no real rules.  All but one of them are drug addicts (3 died of drug od's 1 is in and out of rehab and one is normal but she ran off at 15 and got married).  Thank God for a mother who cared enough to lay down the law!

  7. In a word, horrible. I grew up in a neighbourhood where it was normal to see crime. I was hanging round with the wrong people and using weapons from a very young age and was beaten up a lot as a child. My Mum told me it would help me to 'be tough'. My Dad died when I was thirteen and my Mum started drinking more heavily. She started to beat me and my siblings to the point where we were terrified of her. She didn't really care about us, I was allowed out until God knows what time and she never asked where we were. At thirteen I started taking drugs and by the time I was fourteen I was a heroin addict and a heavy drinker/smoker. I stole money from home, mugged people, robbed shops and attacked people to get my next fix. I found myself in hospital from beatings my Mum had given me and had to lie about it. When I was fifteen she kicked me out the house and I slept rough for 2 days until she let me back in because she was scared she would get into trouble. When I was sixteen, my girlfriend got pregnant and most of my family had turned their back on me. My brothers and sisters didn't want to know me because I'd gone behind their back so many times. My son was born when I was seventeen and then his Mum walked out on us two weeks later. I brought my son up for the first few months of his life in a violent home around alcohol and drugs - until I decided I needed to get clean. I moved with him to my older brother's house while I saw counselors and took medication to get clean. It took a lot of tries and I ended up in hospital many times from overdoses and suicide attempts. I was then admitted because I was considered a threat. I was sedated and given all sorts of medication because I had developed schizophrenia, depression and PTSD. When I was finally clean, I went back and got a good job so that I could be a real Dad.

    My childhood was really bad, basically.

  8. my parents have rules but they let me have fun and do things i want because im responsible. and i dont really have a curfew but i dont really go out at night so...

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