
How were you introduced to the Twilight series?

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I am just curious to see how everyone was introduced to the series. I want to hear your personal story!

Here's mine:

This past week at my school, Twilight has become the talk of the school. I couldn't even walk down the hall without seeing at least 2 or 3 people with their noses in 1 of the 4 books. The first day, all I heard was Twilight, Twilight, Twilight... it got kind of annoying. All I could think of was "What the heck is this freakin book that everyone is obsessed with??" It kind of reminded me of the Harry Potter- Mania.

After a few days, I got more and more interested, until finally I just drove myself to Target after school and got one of those books. I thought to myself, "I'm just wasting my time... I'm gonna hate this book." And it turns out that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this book. I can't keep my nose out of it. And now I understand why everyone is so obsessed with it!

Now.... Share yours! :]




  1. me?? I am sorta like you, I heard it from EVERY one of my friends and decided to see what all the buzz was about! Well, my mom and dad really started me out, and probably heard about it from my friends, and got it for me for my birthday- that way, I didn't have to wait FOREVER to get the book throught the library.!  

  2. there is an organization in our school named POETS, wherein their members where book worms.. i love to read books, but i am not crazy as they are. i try to join, and their initiation is a some kind of questioning. the one asked to me is about this twilight series, which on that time, i hadn't got the slightest idea. i was rejected, and i cursed this twilight series whatsoever."What on earth is that book!" i exclaimed.. then, in this yahoo answers, i try to ask what books they can refer to me, and someone told me the twilight series.. so i became more curious about that one, and i finally read it! it was the most amazing book ever!! and then, when i came back to the poets group, i narrate them the whole story, and after that,I am now a member ^_^

  3. The hosts of a harry potter podcast were talking about it alot so i decided to buy the first one. that's about it.  

  4. Well my friend kept on talk about it ihad nerv herd of it b4 and she kept on saying i have got to read it and im like it cant be better than harry potter, then one day in class i was jsut sitting being bored (break time) and i saw the book twilight i started reading it one chapter i didnt like it so much at first but i was still interested at what happend next, i took it home and read it, and i liked it but i still think harry potter is better. :) :D

  5. most of my friends had read the series and some of my more enthusiastic twilighter friends kinda forced the books on me...

    but i'm glad she did, it's a great series

  6. Okay, so this book was HAUNTING me. I kept finding questions about it after Eclipse, and I had no idea what it was about. All I wanted to do was escape and reread my precious Harry Potter.

    Every single time I went to the book store, Twilight would find me. I'd pass it, I'd pick it up, I shake my head and say "Ah, I wouldn't like this. I hate romancy books. And vampires... ugh!" So I didn't take it.

    I go to the bookstore a lot. I LOVE to read. I am also a bit of a klutz. So, one day, a few months after it started haunting me (I was soo happy, it had just started leaving me alone!), I had to go get a book for school. And I trip. And fall. And guess what's right by my head when I'm on the ground? Twilight.

    So, I decided to give in and read the darned book.

    Next day, I am finished and am a zombie. I had a dream about Harry Potter and Bella arguing over who is the better main character. Obviously, Edward defends Bella and they win.

    Skip forward another day. I was forced to go to Target for something improtant (I can't remember what...) and I saw New Moon. And freaked out. I bought the book. Repeat cycle. Stayed up all night reading. Finished. Was a zombie. Has same dream, but instead of them jsut winning, Lupin from HP showed up and him and Edward got into a fight. Then I woke up.

    Skip forward a couple days. I had begged my parents to go to the bookstore again and I bought Eclipse. Repeat entire cycle, except I didn't have the dream again. There were actually missing pages, so I had to go to sleep and wait for my dad to go out and buy me a new one. THEN I finished it.

    I never remembered my dreams before I read the series. Now I have them all the time. I guess it's part of the magic!

    Anyhow, I absolutely LOVE this series! Mwa! Go Jacob, go Edward, go Bella, go Nessie, go Alice, go Jasper, go Emmett, go Rosalie, go Esme, go Carlisle, go Charlie, go other worthless humans (okay, okay, Billy is pretty cool and Angela is soo nice), go Seth (what can I say? I love the puppy!), go everyone else except Victoria, Laurent, James, the Volturi, and Lauren! Oh, go Denali clan which now includes Garrett!

  7. Well It was like when it first came out and my friend read it and she was like "you gotta read this" and I did  and I'm glad I did

  8. A few years ago me and my friend Alexis found Twilight in a book store.

  9. I started reading the series basically because it was so popular it was shoved in my face wherever i went.

  10. my friend actually introduced it to me , she was begging so i thought why not give it a try , so then the i did and now i'm begging my other friends to read it.  

  11. My best friened Tori was all obbsesed with Edward and she evan wrote a poem about Edward!! Lol and she wound not stop talking about Bella and Edward. So finnlay i was like "Wat r u talking about???!!!" And she was like " Oh it is twilight"... I was like " Oh a book" and I did not really want to read but she like made me! So that night at her house I starrted to read it and was hoooked on it that night!!!

  12. my friend allie started bringing twilight to school a lot and i was curious what that book was about. so i read the back of the book and got interested because it sounded so cool. so i got in line to borrow the book( i really had to get in line, more of a waiting list but i still had to wait)

  13. One of my best friends was always talking about it. Her b-day was coming up and i needed a present quick. I called her and asked if she had the books and she said:

    "Yes I do, why?"

    I told her i had them and that was ganna be her present. She said:

    "No you have to read them."

    I laughed and said ok then i sat on the couch and started reading them. I finished them all by the next day at school.

  14. i saw the book in a bookstore a few years ago im one of the first people to read it before the huge buzz came over it

  15. I am a 35 year old mom and teacher.  A full year ago, my 14 year old babysitter gave me the book and INSISTED that I just HAD to read it.  Well, at the time I really wasn't;t interested in any teen vampire books, because I knew I would have compared it to the Anne Rice novels I had already read.  

    But then earlier this month when Breaking Dawn was the huge word around the school, I had to go read Twilight.  So, on Aug. 9th I picked up Twilight.  On Aug. 12th I borrowed New Moon.  By Aug. 14th I borrowed Eclipse (my favorite) and then on Aug. 16th, I purchased Breaking Dawn.  

    I admit I was hooked almost instantly and in my life I have never read 4 books so fast!  (Actually, I read a 5th book too; one for my Graduate class)

    I am looking forward to Midnight Sun, but refuse to read any leaked chapters.

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