
How widely are british credit cards acceptable in brazil..i will be going for three months tt?

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i am going to travel in brazill.and heard that mugging is if i lost my lot after arrival

it would be




  1. Visa, American Express, Diners and mastercard are accepted everywhere in general. Don`t worry! It`s not that dangerous here...

  2. visa anywhere

  3. You'll be able to use credit cards in the majority of places catering for tourists, even coach stations, bars, small shops. However, your bank will charge for it. Ask them for information. You can also use debit card free of charge, the issue companies get their money from the bad currency. You can also withdraw money from a wide array of ATMs (most banks have Visa/Mastercard/Amex) with a small fee from your bank. I stayed for 3 months in the country just using my Barclays debit card, just look for the Electron/Link sign.Other option is change your traveller cheques with the American Express office in Salvador. Be aware that it'll be difficult to use these cheques in shops as its use is not widespread in the country. Have a nice trip!

  4. The two most popular internationally recognised card types are Visa and Mastercard. I'd take one Visa card and one Mastercard. Between the two, you'll get round the world. Leave one in the hotel and only carry one around with you so if you lose one, you still have the other.

  5. Credit cards are widely accepted . My only problem was that I had forgotten my new pin number, and in many places they needed it.

    I would make also make sure you have noted your card number and telephone no of your card in the UK, incase you  loose it.

  6. I went and had no problems in major towns and cities.  obviously in more rural places they don't take them but you can use them to withdraw cash at ATMs in advance.  I never take anything but cards when I travel to central or south america.

    HAve a good trip

  7. Everyone before me got it right. You can use your credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex) anywhere. Bring some dollars travellers cheques as well (just in case) but bear in mind that you'll need to exchange them to reais (preferably in a Bank) as they are not widely accepted in shops and even where they are you might get a very bad exchange rate.

    Don't forget to call your credit/debit card issuer before going, to let them know you'll be in Brazil and how long you're planning to stay. If you forget to do so, the might put a caution on your card after the first couple of times you use it.

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