
How widely spoken is German in Brazil? I heard its the third most spoken language after Portugese and Spanish?

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How widely spoken is German in Brazil? I heard its the third most spoken language after Portugese and Spanish?




  1. German is a widespread second language, but only in the South of Brazil, where there is a large number of German immigrants. The states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul are the ones with the largest number of German descendants. However do not expect to hear German be spoken in the large cities like Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or even Porto Alegre (capital of Rio Grande do Sul state).

    Besides that I would think that Italian is the third most spoken language due to the huge number of Italian immigrants too. Sao Paulo, for example, concentrates more Italian speaking people than Rome!

  2. German is still spoken by over 600,000 Brazilians as a first or second language.

  3. It's hard to know, but I think that:

    1 - Portuguese (Official language)

    2 - German and Italian (between descendants)

    3 - Polish and Japanese (between descendants)

    4 - Tupi-Guarani (native indigenous language)

    5 - Russian

  4. uhhhh NO

    First of all, english is spoken more than spanish. I know we really like the english language here lol

    From my expereince 1 out of 10 speaks english 1 out of 15 speaks spanish.

    The German speakers are in the south of brazil (I live in the west), they have thir own little towns and everything where german is the co-offical language. Where I life you don't see anyone speak german at all.

    The languages spoken in Brazil go like this in order of mostly spoken:







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