
How widespread is the belief "All Men are Rapists" within modern Feminism?

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I know that this belief (and others) are points of contention within Feminist circle. How widespread is the "Men = Rapists" idea in Feminism today?

I have seen blogs like this:

In college, I encountered women circulating materials to this effect on campus (usually on Valentines Day and Take Back The Night).

I dated a few feminists in college who didn't believe this (though they treated me like c**p), but told me that roughly "half" of feminists thought so. Half seems kinda high...




  1. Couldnt say.

    But I found someone that thinks they can have something to say on it.,2933,2312...

    Edit : Mmm the article I found is one that states that airlines now consider that they should, with out consulting anyone segregate men from children as apparently other people have complained that there are men near them. So either these airlines are making this up and are acting on some other sources or ....

  2. Probably about as widespread as the belief that "all rape victims deserved to be raped" is within modern society.

  3. Extreme fringe.

    But just because women believe that there is a real risk of being raped late at night on campus by a small percentage of violent men does not translate to women believing all men are rapists.

  4. Not widespread at all. Lots of us vigorously object to it.  

  5. The woman who wrote that article obviously suffers from some form of mental illness and anyone who agrees should seek psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

    I am posting the following statement on behalf of Rio Madiera...

    "Those feminists were wrong. The vast majority of feminists love men and s*x with men. This belief would likely only be common among women's studies professors, and even then, I doubt that 50% or more would agree."

  6. It's about as widespread as the belief that "All women are evil" within modern anti-feminism. We all have our radicals don't we?  

    I've seen anti-women web sites and blogs like this who say they are "pro-men" or are "funny" web sites for men :

  7. Society tends to accept women hating men more than men hating women.  Over the years I have seen many female authors posting about how evil men are.  I guess they had bad experiences with men.  

  8. You are really looking to promote the crazy speakers aren't you?  I never run across stuff like that.  That women is crazy and no we don't look at every male as a rapist.  However I don't go out at night by myself because I am aware that I am unable to identify a possible rapist from a good guy as rapist pretend to be good guys.  Is it the good guys fault no but women have to protect themselves.  

  9. That's b.s., unless you're a moron who thinks that psychotic sexists represent normal, thinking females. Here's a link :

  10. trolling is bad

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