
How will 4 dollars a gallon and higher impact your life his year?

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We have been pushed into a corner. Should we fight back or sit here like sheep and follow our neighbor to the filling station like sheep to spend our last dime?




  1. Its impacting my life quite a bit. It costs me $10 to get from home to work and back. I don't live far from work at all..... Its costing me a fortune to go see my girlfriend who lives an hour away. Not to mention going to see my friends, most of whom also live an hour away.

  2. It will impact my life a lot because I have a SUV, and it drinks gas like a person on a hot summer day. I know that there will be no joy riding or unnecessary trips to the store. I will have to cut back on a lot of spending...and that's hard!

  3. Hope to find someone to car pool with.

    If not, then I will need to move closer to work.

  4. I will affect everyone somehow cuz the prices of everything is going to raise again. Pllus around here it's already started, people stealing gas, breaking and entering and just trying to make it with these prices. It's about time someone stands up. Have you noticed not one of the candidates are talking about it?

  5. Would it really help if we fight, doesn't the government always win? With all the prices going up at the grocery store and utilities and gas it is getting hard to make it.

  6. For me personally - it is not that impactive. My husband does commute but I work at home. I feel really bad for those out there struggling.

  7. i'm going to be buying myself a VESPA !

  8. There's not much we can do. When I drive to work, it takes half an hour. Imagine how long it would take on a bicycle...not a feasible option.

    The only thing I can do is drive as little as possible and better organize my driving habits, like stopping at the store on the way home from work.

  9. i spent 70$ down an back for home to school so it sucks these days  and monday it was 15.67 today its 4.25

  10. I wont be running the jet ski at full throttle as much.

  11. not very much! it makes me laugh when people complain about an extra .20 to .60 cents per gallon. when you do the math the average tank only holds 15 gallons of gas. so that runs about an extra $9.00 per!

    compare the price of gas to things at the grocery store, you'll see its a pretty good deal!

    ftwhite0... , get a job and a woman closer to home!

    loonatic... , people need to stop waiting for saviors and take care of buisness! simple case of supply and demand. stop driving so much and the price will go down! stop crying so much and the price of tissues will go down too!

  12. Buy an LVC or Low Velocity Car like the Zenn car, for inner city commuting.

    Live in the country? move.....

    roughly the equivalent of  245 MPG

  13. In my case, it's not really going to impact it that much (especially since we paid $4.00/gal last summer)

    Just the basic driving, driving slower (i.e. the speed limit), and keeping the maintenance up on my truck.

    Probably end up vacationing closer to home than last year. No trip to Pennsylvania.

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