
How will Biden perform in the debates/slamming McCain?

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Biden is known to be unrestrained when it comes to speaking about what he thinks, and he tops McCain in Senate experience (but he has a more bipartisan and less corrupt record). He has a sharp mind and a strong "attack machine" resistance that will immediately slam down whatever smears the right-wingers toss at him. Do you like the ring of Vice President Biden?




  1. McCain has succeeded with his wisecracks and this sentimental conservative character he puts on.  But most of his rhetoric is just jibberjabber.  In a debate, there's no contest, but that doesn't mean a win.  

    See, it doesn't matter how well Biden and Barack do, because the few honest members of congress remaining were unable to undo the damage done over the last 8 years.  Karl Rove is still at large, currently a pundit on Fox News.  You had the politicization of the Justice Dept, -firings of 9 US attorneys, Ken Blackwell, Caging Lists, Hanging Chads, Don Seigelman, Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004, fraudulent criminal record based voter disenfranchisement, Monica Goodling, the list of Election Fraud offenses is seemingly endless.  It's systemic in the spread of corruption, and this is the legacy of Karl Rove. Don't believe me?  Search "Leahy Gets Very Angry" on youtube.  Or just google 'Caging Lists' -that's a freaky greedy evil story of soldiers and minorities being suckerpunched out of voting by forcing them to return mail and then disqualifying their votes based on 'wrong address' claims.

  2. Yes, and he will eat the Mitt for lunch.

  3. The funny thing is....

    Biden plagerized one of his speeches too...


    Obama Supporters don't realize that yet...


  4. Good or bad, I think the choice of Biden is an odd one.  The last person I'd have expected Obama to choose was a long-time Washington insider from a small state he would be likely to carry anyway.

    When researching links to media outlets in Delaware covering the Biden VP announcement to post on my site, I discovered that Biden's home state is so small they only have two daily newspapers!

  5. I think that Biden won't get his chance to slam McCain at all considering that Biden will only be able to debate with McCain's VP Choice in the Vice Presidential Debate.  But, if you think about it, we have Lieberman, McCain, and Biden all fighting each other in this Presidential Election, and Obama the mainstream candidate sucking up all the attention.  

    This election season couldn't have ended without such a scenario.

  6. I think McCain was trying to break down Obama's door recently, and he's about to get a facefull of pit bull. :)

    I think Biden is outstanding.  I've read about all his gaffes even, nothing there of any import whatsoever.  McCain is more controversial than Biden.  Biden is highly accomplished and a seriously regular American.  Major respect from both sides of the aisle.

    Obama/Biden is an awesome team.

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