
How will Bush's Saudi masters reward him when he leaves office ? He's made them richer than they could of ever

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could of imagined and let their favorite son Osama Bin Laden escape justice.




  1. Who are Bush's Saudi Masters?

    What do you know that rest of us do not?

    Your comment about Osama is silly.

  2. Well they probably will let him drill for oil again although he must have been the only one to drill dry holes in Bahrain and The UAE

  3. It would seem to me that the left wing liberal democrat environmetalist fanatics have done more to enrich the Saudis than Bush ever has. By stopping U.S. Oil Companies from drilling domestically and trying to tax U.S. Oil companies, thereby removing billions of barrels of oil form the market place, oil prices have gon through the roof.

  4. What's Bush got to do with it?  It's the Saudis that have us by the balls, and the Liberals who stand in the way of producing our own oil.

  5. They will give him a huge palace, right next door to the Grand Mosque in Mecca. They will ask him to convert to Islam, and he will become the great spiritual leader of all the Islamic world. He will laugh in the faces of all Americans who were fooled by this clown devil.

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