
How will Global warming affect Bermuda?

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I love Bermuda. Will global warming flood this amazing island?




  1. Remember the City of Atlantis, Tsunami bound.

  2. they already are mountain peaks peeking out of the water .

    they will peek less i guess

  3. first of all global warming isn't  proven yet so don't get worried, but it the temperature raises over 4 more degrees Celsius on average the sea level will rise 40-ft, which would drown most of, or all of bermuda. Even NYC would be underwater.

  4. Sea levels will not rise appreciably until most of the precipitation landing on the shores of Antarctica is in the form of rain. Thus far, the volume of snow landing on Antarctica is great enough to offset any melt off or glacier calving.

    Once most of the coastal precipitation is as rain, we can anticipate rising oceans. That could be years away.  But it will be well and duly noted when it starts to happen.

  5. The polar caps have melted many times in the past with the natural glacial cycle.  When they have, things looked as they do in the maps in this link.  I suspect they will look about the same when they melt from AGW.  If you follow the glacial cycles we should be starting a long slow drop in temperature.  Actually, we should have seen a measurable drop by 1980, but we didn't.

  6. It will cause a giant increase in there shorts sales...

    With all the water levels rising... Bermuda Shorts will be all the rage

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